...collar? Murphy has lost his 3rd collar this week.... 2 were red with flowers all over them (maybe he lost them on purpose?) and one was a beautiful purple one. I decided since it was nice out to go for a meander and see if I could find any of them in his usual spots (which means places I've found lost collars before.) This is a matching one on Beeswax's neck. He really looks the best in the purple, but Murphy was looking naked and I had an extra purple one handy. Normally Murphy wears royal blue, to go with his little crossed eyes. I put on my favorite gray hoodie and went out into the windy day.
So I think- this should be easy, hot purple, piece of cake, it'll jump right out at me!
Yeah. Not THIS week!
.So I think- this should be easy, hot purple, piece of cake, it'll jump right out at me!
Yeah. Not THIS week!

The redbuds are blooming and starting to drop.

I guess we'll just have to keep looking for the elusive missing collars.
Don't you just LOVE springtime? I know we do. Even if we can't find diddly this time of year. lol
Don't you just LOVE springtime? I know we do. Even if we can't find diddly this time of year. lol
look at all the beautiful flowers and blooms!!!
What lovely pictures! It's so nice to see hints that there might be an end to winter on the way.
I love spring the bestest, I think. All those pretty flowers and you have a TON!! I am so jealous! We had a much harsher than usual winter so we're about a month behind where we should be botanically. The council daffodils are STILL not flowering - that's about 6 weeks late! I just adore all your wee wild bulbs. Serious envy here!
LOVE all that purple!! Looks like NP was trying to help ya look too! :)
I'd be sneezing like crazy if I lived by you. All those beautiful buds peeking their heads out now welcoming the warmer weather, really does a number on me. It's fun seeing them through photos though. Thanks!
It's so hopefull when spring arrives isn't it? Lovely photo's!! As Lynz said... we are not quite there yet. Yesterday nice and sunny, today misty and cold here... sigh...
I read something in the paper about daffodils. They haven't been in the shops yet as the weather stayed too cold and they did not develop enough to start budding. Then we had a few really nice and warm sunny days, and suddenly fields and fields of daffodils have started blooming like overnight... As they need to cut them to go to shops when still in bud, they are now useless commercially, and they have lost about 80% of their crop.
So we have had no daffs in the shops, now we have very little and what there is, is blooming immediately and done in about 2 days...
Leaves those who live near (not me..) with endless fields of blooming daffodils... beautiful!! (if not commercially good news..)
Beeeautiful!!! Especially the secrety faerie violets. I love those.
Lovely pics of Spring! I love redbuds (and dogwoods). Even though it is autumn here, we've got plenty of flowers too :-)
I can see why you like Spring so much....the views are beautiful!!!!
Beautiful!!! Do you have hummers yet?
Love all those purple flowers! I soooo miss lilacs. Our house while I was growing up had a long row of them and they smelled so good. I'm pretty sure we don't have lilacs here in AZ :-(.
Also wanted to let you know that I passed along the Sunshine Blogger Award to you today!
Hi there! Lovely post! I do hope you find the collar soon. What mischief the kitties get into!! Here in the Middle East, in our garden, we have Jasmine flowers blooming! If you go to my blog, you will see the latest post is just that! Have a lovely week!
cute cat!
congrats on winning the ric-rac giveaway!
Hi Susan! I love your blog! cats, flowers, labors...a stroll through your blog gives me peace of mind, is charming!
I invite you to visit mine!
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