One year ago today I decided to join the masses and start my own little blog. I've had lots of fun with it, showing off things I'm working on, happenings around our house, light-hearted things, and pet activities. Nothing too heavy, nothing too deep, nothing, I hope, too depressing. I've accumulated just over 100 followers, thankyouverymuch, and to celebrate, I'm having a little giveaway.
You don't have to do any jumping thru hoops or spreading the word, I'm happy having you guys here with me and I want you to have the best chance of winning. So leave me a little comment and be sure that I can reach you should the little white number generator (Nosey Parker will be whining about the child-labor laws shortly) pick you as the winner or runner-up! Because I don't like waiting, the sign-ups close at midnight Sunday and we'll do the actually drawing on Monday.
Up for grabs is a little bit of Moda's Authentic. There's a Dessert Roll, a charm pack and a set of 3 cotton dish clothes that I don't really want to give away, I like them THAT much! But I bought them with you in mind, so off they'll go. That's one lot.
Then, as a runner-up prize, I made a Scrap Sewing Pod for you, using my own Authentic material. Here it is with all the other stuff, but the winner of this is only getting the pod. It might have something inside it, not sure yet, but it's possible. Depends on if I get to the store this weekend!

I just got this pattern yesterday, online- it is an e-pattern, which is very cool and instantly gratifying! I found it, ordered it, paid for it (a whopping $3.29) and downloaded it and printed it out, all in about 5 minutes. No shipping, no waiting, love that! Anyway, I made one for the runner-up. It measures about 8" long and 3" wide and 3" deep. It'll really hold a lot. You can use it for taking supplies to class, jewelry on vacation, make-up, pencils, whatever, it's yours to do with what you please! It's a pretty easy pattern, too and I'll be making more of these. The zipper application is the EASIEST ever, so if you have a fear of zippers, this pattern is for you! I really like the trim (the black printing) at the edge of the zipper, I think that's a nice touch.
The framed photo and the rocks are not included in the giveaway. That is my mother in the photo, with her brother, Ted. She was in the Land Army, in England. I love this photo, that hat just frames her head perfectly and she looks so lovely. She's 89.5 this month! Gotta love the Mumster. She's such a hoot.

This is my other favorite photo of her- she's standing in Trafalgar Square and has a pigeon on her head. No, that's not my father. He might not be anybody's father- his name, according to my mother, is One-Nut Nick. *snork* She SAYS she only knows this because her cousin Joan told her. Um, hmmmm. Sure, Mum, whatever you say! lol Anyway, she didn't date him long, she broke up with him after he asked her to move in with him. This was the late 40's, I think.... scandalous! Mum had principles! And class. Yay for Mum! She's very Authentic. The real deal.
So good luck, people! Leave me a comment if you'd like to be entered into the drawing for a bit of Authentic fabric and towels, or the little pod.
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for signing up!
You don't have to do any jumping thru hoops or spreading the word, I'm happy having you guys here with me and I want you to have the best chance of winning. So leave me a little comment and be sure that I can reach you should the little white number generator (Nosey Parker will be whining about the child-labor laws shortly) pick you as the winner or runner-up! Because I don't like waiting, the sign-ups close at midnight Sunday and we'll do the actually drawing on Monday.
Up for grabs is a little bit of Moda's Authentic. There's a Dessert Roll, a charm pack and a set of 3 cotton dish clothes that I don't really want to give away, I like them THAT much! But I bought them with you in mind, so off they'll go. That's one lot.
Then, as a runner-up prize, I made a Scrap Sewing Pod for you, using my own Authentic material. Here it is with all the other stuff, but the winner of this is only getting the pod. It might have something inside it, not sure yet, but it's possible. Depends on if I get to the store this weekend!

I just got this pattern yesterday, online- it is an e-pattern, which is very cool and instantly gratifying! I found it, ordered it, paid for it (a whopping $3.29) and downloaded it and printed it out, all in about 5 minutes. No shipping, no waiting, love that! Anyway, I made one for the runner-up. It measures about 8" long and 3" wide and 3" deep. It'll really hold a lot. You can use it for taking supplies to class, jewelry on vacation, make-up, pencils, whatever, it's yours to do with what you please! It's a pretty easy pattern, too and I'll be making more of these. The zipper application is the EASIEST ever, so if you have a fear of zippers, this pattern is for you! I really like the trim (the black printing) at the edge of the zipper, I think that's a nice touch.
The framed photo and the rocks are not included in the giveaway. That is my mother in the photo, with her brother, Ted. She was in the Land Army, in England. I love this photo, that hat just frames her head perfectly and she looks so lovely. She's 89.5 this month! Gotta love the Mumster. She's such a hoot.

This is my other favorite photo of her- she's standing in Trafalgar Square and has a pigeon on her head. No, that's not my father. He might not be anybody's father- his name, according to my mother, is One-Nut Nick. *snork* She SAYS she only knows this because her cousin Joan told her. Um, hmmmm. Sure, Mum, whatever you say! lol Anyway, she didn't date him long, she broke up with him after he asked her to move in with him. This was the late 40's, I think.... scandalous! Mum had principles! And class. Yay for Mum! She's very Authentic. The real deal.
So good luck, people! Leave me a comment if you'd like to be entered into the drawing for a bit of Authentic fabric and towels, or the little pod.
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for signing up!
Wow, your Mum has a pigeon on her head! I've not seen that before and I'm impressed she stayed still long enough to get her picture taken. I'd have run screaming!
Happy Blogiversary! I really enjoy your posts so thanks for blogging :)
And here I thought I might be the first... Congrats on your one year of blogging. You bring joy to all us crazy foke and we sure do love you.
I just love your Mum - she reminds me so much of my Wee Granny!! SHE was fired from her job in wartime Britain (she was an electrical engineer in Glasgow and got demoted twice - once for crashing a Studebaker and again for pouring a pot of paint over a narcissistic GI named Leo) for being "an agitator" since she had started making noises about equal pay for the women. Heh heh.
I. Love. Authentic. Pick me, Parker!!!!
Very beautiful giveaway, thanks for the chance to win. Hugs from France.
One year today Susan! Congrats!!!! Can't wait to see what the next year brings for you.
Congratulations Susan!You were the first person I "met" in blog land!
Yayyy, Congatulations Flossie! I love the pics of your Mum, she looks like a real film star in Trafalgar Square pic :) Wasn't that such a stylish time in history!
Phew...I was just getting on the computer to email you checking on you because I heard there was tornado activity in Ark and then I saw that you posted an hour ago...so I know you are ok!;)
Congfreakingratulations on your one year anni!:) Lovely giveaway but the best is that last photo of your mom....Fantastic!;)
Maybe in the 40s pigeons weren't as messy as they are today...I just can't imagine not running away immediately if one landed on my head. E-gads! I bet that's where you get your sense of humor...she probably thought it was a hoot! Congrats, honey on a great year! Many, many more!!
this is such a fun giveaway congratulations on your anniversary. thanks for sharing. i love the old photos!!! they are always so much fun to look at.
Happy Anniversay!! Has it only been a year? I feel like I've known you my entire life girl. I do remember the pictures of NP and all the wonderful quilts...then seeing and hearing about the rest of furry family and of course Mr. FB. Thank you for sharing your life and loves (I even remember Mum posing for a picture) with all of us out here in "cyberland".
Speaking for myself my life has become richer and better for having the pleasure of reading your Blog everyday!! (Even the pictures of the scary mouses was great!) ~LOL~
Love you girl,
Susan 2
Love your blog! Happy one year blogging anniversary!
Yes, Congrats on your anniversary! I have so enjoyed your blog - thank you for the happy times. I would love to be a winner. Had to shake my finger at you though - you consider the treasure you made with your own hands the runner up prize?!? ;-)
Alice R.
Woohoo!! congrats on a whole year Floss!! Love the Authentic line... one of my all time faves :) And what a darling pouch! One nut nick... tooo funny! :D Your mom looks like a pretty happenin chick - being able to stand still with all the birds... egads.. total edgar allen poe moment!
Happy Blogiversary to you!!
I read your blog everyday but always forget about the follower thing. I became a follower today!!! Congrats on one year, keep up the good work. Cheers!
LOL...how did her cousin Joan know about that nickname?! hmmmmm... Great photos...love old ones.
congrats on your blogoversary : ) Makes me realize I may have a blogoversary coming up sometime soon...no clue when I started mine : ) Just found your blog...glad that I did!
Congratulations on the blogiversary! That picture with the pigeon is too funny--I would be screaming in horror if one landed on my head!
I am still laughing my backside off about one nut Nick! Poor guy! hahaha That's quite outrageous though - living together unmarried in the 40's? He was definitely ahead of his time :) Definitely not a tory by the sounds of things!
That little pouch is adorable Susan! I know exactly what I'd keep in there!!! Congratulations on your first bloggy birthday! xx
Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary!! I'm sure Parker will pick me since I am a fellow cat lover!!
One year?? Woohoo!!! Congratulations!
I'm so happy to be part of your little blogging corner of the world. And I LOVE the pigeon picture (and the story of it!) of your Mum! Great writing and quilting... keep up the great work!
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary. Your Mum is lovely.
Congratulations on your bloggiversary, and what a fantastic giveaway.
I have a phobia over zips but as I haven't input one for countless (well @ 15) years perhaps I should take the leap and try again!
Love the photos. Everyone seemed so elegantly dressed in old photos - even when in "normal" dress.
Congratulations on your anniversary. Love the photo of your Mom. Authentic is my favorite line and I would love to win either the first prize or the wonderful second.
Happy Blogaversary!! Thanks for sharing your mother's photos, they are lovely. And I have particularly noticed how much trouble you have taken to take attractive photos. The prizes are wonderful, you are being so generous, thank you. I love the colours of the authentic fabrics.
Congrats Flossie on your first year. I love all your cat photos and all the cute little things you come up with. If I don't win (and I'm crossing my fingers I do) I will have to download that scrappy bag it is so cute.
Happy Blogiversary! What a lovely giveaway you have put together. The story and photo of your mother are too funny. She must be a very patient woman to be able to stand still for that picture...lol.
Have Versary!! Congrats on a year of sharing with the whole world!!
So fun! Congratulations on a great year! Love your posts, including this one and the great photos of your mom!
Congrats on your one year of blogging! Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Happy blogiversary! and many more to come! So pleased to have 'met' you! I hope nosey is getting some reward for all the work you put him through! extra little fishie??
What a great photo of your mum, congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Thanks for the chance to win I love authentic but never bought any how sweet.
Happy Blogiversary, Susan! Your blog is great. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Loved the stories about your mom in this post.
Thanks for the great giveaway! Please count me in.
Happy Blogoversary to you! I've been reading...always a fun blog to visit. I, like everyone else in the world (quilting or otherwise), LOVE the authentic fabric! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity of this giveaway.
Happy Bloggy Birthday!! So glad to have met you thru the ORB Quilt Along; you and Lynz really keep that group laughing :)
Dear Nosey P.,
What do you know! My mum is 89, she was in the land army, and I really like Authentic too. Doesn't that seem like fate? I enjoy your blog and happy anniversary.
Great giveaway. I love the story about your mother, you too are the real deal!
A year already. It is always such fun to read your blog. You are so creative and I love seeing all the things you make.
Love hearing about mumster too!! I think of her every time I go down the flashlight isle!! LOL
Congratulations on one year blogging!!
Congrats Susan! Lots of followers = great blog! Your's is one of the best! I'm counting on NP to pick me. I've good luck with cats picking my name so far this year. Don't let me down NP! There's a kitty treat init for you!!
Thanks, everyone for signing up for a chance to win and for the lovely comments on my mother and the blog! Drawing will be later this morning, I'll make a new blog entry with the winners' names.
Sign ups are closed.
Kitty bribes will be doled out accordingly. :)
Shoot! I missed out on all the goodies! That's what I get for falling behind on my reader. :)
Congrats on one year! That's just wonderful!
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