Nosey Parker has picked a winner. I helped her put a number for each entry on the end of a cork and then we went out into the dreariest, darkest late afternoon light to see just which entrant would be the winner. I apologize in advance for all the bright, cheerful colors that didn't make it into any of these photos!

The pile must have been a little intimidating as she felt the need to watch it from the safety of her toy box.

After she worked up her nerve, she decided to come over and check them all out.

She began to get interested and bapped a few of them around.

Then it hit her! She had a JOB to do! A couple of somersaults, a back-flip and a whole lot of fast action took her and her new favorite toy, the cork, to the very edge of the drive, in about 2.3 seconds!

I don't know if you can see it, but the lucky cork belongs to comment #14, who is DENA! Congrats, Dena! Send me your address so I can mail this off to you!

Your prize. I hope you like it.

Thank you everyone, for playing and trying to win this, I had fun reading all your comment and I wish I had one for everyone, but since I've been working all week on only 7 of them, I don't think that's going to happen. EVER. lol I had great intentions of making a 2nd place prize, but I never found a spare hour or two to do that, I'm sorry!
Lucky Ducky Dena! It's such a great gift.
I LOVE your selection process, but really feel I should have won! :D
Congrats Dena!!
Love the cat, too cute. Congratulations to Dena..
I knew I loved the kitties for a reason. Yippee!!!! Thanks Nosey Parker and Miss Flossie. Tee Hee
Flossie you crack me up! I don't think I have ever seen a prize awarded that was chosen by a cat and a cork! So funny! I love the prize, and those are great fabrics. Congratulations to Dena!
What an original way to randomly pick a number :) Though are you sure there wasn't cat nip on Dena's cork. Snicker...
Too funny, how many pictures did you take that are just a white blur?:)
Congrats Dena!!
Congratulations Dena.
Love the way you picked the winner.My cats would just get in the box and stay there!!!
Congrats Dena, I know you will enjoy your prize.
Congratulations Dena!! I think you should save those corks girl, I have a feeling they will come in handy for your giveaways.
By the way were those corks attached to lovely bottles of WINE?? I always knew we had a connection but know I know we must have been separated at birth!! ~LOL~ You, NP and I should sit down sometime and have a few toasts! Your main man can be the "designated pourer". Oh, and of course I'll bring the cheese & crackers...maybe grapes and chocolate covered strawberries (couldn't leave those out.)
Congratulations Dena and Flossie this post is just too SUPERCUTE!
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