Trick! or Treat?
I'm out of yellow crime scene tape, thank goodness we still had chalk. ;) It was a busy night for those boy cats, apparently. Thankfully, dragging these in through one cat door and up a half of flight of stairs wore them out before they actually got them into the house. 2 dead rats and a shrew on the garage steps. Dang. Busy, busy. And so lovely to wake up to on Halloween morning! I know the girl cats are innocent because they are locked in the bedroom with us at night, they are not allowed out after dark. So this is a boy thing.
I wouldn't really say that it's becoming a habit, but it has happened before. Last time it was just mice. The boys have expanded their horizons, I guess.
I wouldn't really say that it's becoming a habit, but it has happened before. Last time it was just mice. The boys have expanded their horizons, I guess.

Sammie, Beeswax and Murphy are very good hunters and would-be providers. Ugh. lol It's that time of year, though, when the rodent population seems very large, but I think it's dwindling as we speak. :)
I had a little helper this week, as I was making little quilt sandwiches.

She and Nosey Parker are really good sleeping/grooming buddies, now. They groom and tussle on the bed for about 30 minutes every night and then sleep together there, smashed up against me and try to cook me and then shove me right out. I love it. lol They're good little buddies for me, too.
Happy Halloween, people! Hope your morning isn't as gruesome as ours!
hahah!! i KNOW one of our cats would be the same way if we let her outside!
Yiek - I LOVE cats ... especially when they bring in DEAD mice - those living ones, little kamikaze mice are horrible ... they ALWAYS run to those place which are ... hm a little dusty ... :)
Our cat does not bring mice the last days - maybe its too cold for them ... its already freezing at night!
LOL! My kit kats do the same thing. When I am ironing my tops, they try to climb UP them..ARgh! LOL! It's very rare that when my kit kats are sleeping, that they are not on a quilt. So sweet that they love them so much isn't it?
that is great. Nothing like a little present for ya on the stairs. you must be so proud. I'm glad the kitten is fitting into the family so well. happy halloween to you and the family.
Gravey is just adorable.
Ick on the rodents! The boys must have been so proud of themselves!
OH NO!!! Little dead rat friends!! *gasps* Okay, I do know not quite the same thing having clever boys keeping the vermin poopulation low. My friend had a cat who loved to leave dead birds in her wellies. It only took about 3 episoodes before the friend started checking her boots *every* time before shoving her feet in.
Did I tell you we rescued a neighbour's cat a few weeks ago? Chook and her friend the Giggler saw Simba looking through the window of a different neighbour's nearby shed. They though "cute!!" I thought "trapped cat!!" and went and knocked on the door. Turned out he'd been in there A WEEK!! He refused to leave the house for about 2 weeks but we've seen him leaping about lately. He's the best friend of our next door neighbour's cat. Fu Manchu won't tolerate most people (apart from Chook who gets the odd cuddle) and chases dogs. So to see him with a little kitty friend is cute!!
I love how you drew an outline around the dead mice...just like a real crimescene. We had company earlier this evening, and our cat left a dead mouse on the sidewalk for us to find. I wish I'd thought to draw around it. Very funny indeed!
You are too funny, drawing chalk outlines around the dead mice! If it was me, I'd be screaming my head off about the dead mice ('cause I'm a wuss), yet there you are, idea balloon popping up over your head: Let's make a crime scene! Who knew dead mice could be so much fun. :-)
PS: Your charm quilt is beautiful, by the way!
Hi there!
I love your bits´n´pieces!
By the way: The funky birds do have a mother, take a look here!
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