Anyhoo, these 2 mug rugs were just delivered to 2 girlfriends, so now I can show you! One side is "normal" and the back refers to funny things that happened during our week together. I drove down to visit Jennifer and help her arrange her newly remodeled kitchen and Lisa drove up from Louisiana, we had a marvelous time and so many laughs!
My friend Jennifer is eating a lot of apples lately, so she got a cute apple fabric for her mug rug. She is normally a very lady-like person. She sneezed one day, while she driving. Unfortunately, she had a mouthful of chocolate/toffee popcorn at the time and her hands were occupied and she spewed bits of popcorn all over her dash. Sounds gross but her reaction to it was priceless. A whole lot of "OMG, OMG! I can't believe I did that, I couldn't help it!!" And with 2 witnesses, no less! So the back of her mug rug says "Achooo" with a spray coming out. I wish now I'd spelled it "Ach...ewwww, but I wanted to use the popcorn shaped "ooo's", to tie it all together.
On the apple, the little reflection thing is actually a silver tag that says "made with love". Awww! I do love her, she's like the sister I never had and just a beautiful person, inside and out, even when she spews bits of masticated, ground up food all over the inside of her car. Into the sun. Where it really showed up great! lol Bwahahaha. We'll never let her forget that, will we, Lisa?
Lisa is a big coffee addict, so she got a coffee theme fabric and I just had to use skulls and ladybugs together because it makes me laugh, just like Lisa makes me laugh all the time. She has the funniest, drollest sense of humor and acts out her little stories and makes funny faces and is just so fun to be around. Even when she's mad, she's funny. And sarcastic. I just love her. She's a Cajun girl and has the great accent to prove it. Her little tag is in the saucer. I'd like for her to be my other sister. :)

But what's REALLY funny is- her mother was visiting when she received the mug rug in the mail. Her hubby carried it in and she opened it in front of them both and then had to explain the back. ROFLMAO

OK, I must come in here to defend myself! The sneeze came out of nowhere....I was driving...y'all had bought that ridiculously addictive toffee coated chocolate drizzled popcorn and we were digging in like we were starving! And all of a sudden, my eyes started watering and I had the steering wheel in one hand and popcorn in the other. I had no time to do anything other than sneeze....in my most ladylike way! *snort* And wouldn't you know, Susan was in the passenger seat and saw the whole gruesome scene! But, hey, that's what makes us the best of friends. She turns around and makes me the most adorable mug rug and I just love her to pieces. Not pieces like chewed up popcorn but pieces of my heart!
I'm not a quilter but I do appreciate the hard work and talent that goes in to these creations. Heck, they are works of art! Thank you for my beautiful mug rug and for being my sister-friend! (and for being a witness to my oh-so-ladylike sneeze and keeping it quiet!) LOL
Hilarious stories & great sewing!
Aren't stories like that what it really means to be a woman? What in the world would we do without our girlfriends???
Very creative mug rugs too, Sooz! No surprise there!! :D
Now the whole world knows, tsk, tsk, tsk.....lol
I may have to buy tye dyed socks now, maybe spice "things" up a little bit....know what I mean? I was I enebriated when I told that story? Or was I just blabbering cuz I was hopped up on caffeine? Either way, doesn't matter, cuz I was sharing with friends, and now the WWW....
Love you Susan....you are a treasure and I LOVE my mug rug....one of a kind for sure...and your work trully amazes me...thanks a million for my little treasure...
OOoopppss....Was I inebriated (big word)? Maybe I should have a drink about now, lol
Love those mug rugs and the stories were hilarious!
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