Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mug Rug Received, bitties made and how to track an errant cat...

 This is the cute Halloween mug rug I received from Jeanette/scrapnchick, I just love it and I'm still using it even though it's almost the middle of November.  I do love bats!

And one of November's Bitty Block Swap themes was science/biology.  I decided on dissected frogs.  


 And we're doing a side swap of calendar blocks- I was assigned April, so I went with Easter bunnies. I found an image by Googling and thought this was adorable.  I had some perfect fabric for the background and so I made these.  I added blush to the ears and noses for some color.  This is not my artwork, but can't find it again to give the proper credit. 

 And one of our cats, Beeswax, has been scaring us to death, going off for 2.5 days at a time, worrying us sick.  He finally showed up one morning and then disappeared again that night for another 2.5 days.  This time, I was ready for him!  I got some surveyor tape and wrote our phone number on it in case he's going to someone's house or barn.  I don't think he'd let anyone touch him, so I wrote it big so maybe they'll call us if he is going to their place.  Our nearest neighbors are a long walk from here, though, so there's no real telling where he's going or what he's doing.  Beez is 8.5 years old and has been neutered since he was very young, so it's not girl-trouble.  Anyway, he stayed home for a solid week, so we thought he was over this meandering thing, but then last night, I guess he took off again, he didn't come home for breakfast.  It's a very full moon, I guess the lure was too much, whatever it is.  I just hope he's careful and comes home soon.  We love our Beeswax so much, he's the coolest cat and LOVES to sit on Jim for hours.  The other 4 cats are being very good and hanging around in the house, because it's chilly outside and quite wet, we got almost 5" of rain last week. (Updated to add- he's home again, he was gone 3.5 days that time and then again for just 2, now it's cold and wet and he's staying in, yay!)

That's all that's happening here, except for a new Christmas mug rug swap that I'm trying to decide on what to make.  I can't tell you any of my ideas because it's not a secret swap this time, my partner is Ruthiequilts and I don't know if she ever looks at my little blog.  She's an amazing quilter/crafter though so I am feeling some pressure!


  1. Lol did you randomly pick partners??

    How did I get dena and you get ruthie?? Talk about stress!

    Maybe there's a new herd(?) of mice in a field that he's training to stay out of your house!? I hope he stays home from now on

  2. Call the bat a tipsy owl and you can use him all year long!

    Don't know what to say about Beeswax. If you lived closer to other people I'd say he was eating out of two bowls. Maybe he is having fun chasing little mouses....or saw your bitty blocks and is affraid of what you might do to him.

    Ruthie is a gem. She will love whatever you make for if you could make something that wasn't amazing.

  3. Hilarious frogs! I genuinely laughed out lod when I saw them - brilliant! Love your work.

  4. I just love that little upside down bat! You lucky girl you! The bitties are cute too.

    Cats have a mind of their own and there's nothing you can do to change that except wait it out until the newness of whatever it is wears off. Love the tracking device!

    I don't get how those word thingys work. If I can read it, can't anybody else too?



  5. Love your stuff, know that! YOU always make me smile! Hope Beez finally settles down. I'd be interested in what is so fun for him...hope you get to the bottom of it.


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