Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bitties, mug rugs, Halloween and a rabbit in the kitchen?

 A while back, we made modern/solid bitties.  This one on the left was my contribution but I wasn't happy with how it fit in with all the others, so I looked for ways to change it so it looked better with its friends.  :)  I know, it's a cute block, but trust me- it stood out from the others which were more free-pieced and subtlety colored.  So I added black fabric to 2 corners, which eliminated the yellow and green and it really helped. 

 Then I added more to the other corners and thought that was really cool, too.  Striking. 

 Then- I tried using the original block and just adding strips around the sides, I like this one, too.  So it's amazing what you can do to an existing block if you're not happy with it.  Don't pitch it, change it!

 Our current swap is themed Doors/Windows.  This is what I made for my windows- damsels in a castle window.  Each one is different, either the dress or the hair or the background, no 2 are alike. 

 And for doors- I did cat doors.  You may not be able to tell, but there is a plastic flap over each cat, that is the cat door.  :)  Jim and I had fun coming up with names for them. 

I made a few extra ones for private swaps- this is my favorite- the Outhouse.  OK, I hate outhouses, in real life, but this one is pretty enough to like.  :)


 My mother's favorite site in the early morning- the school bus leaving.   With us on board, of course! 

And I used some cute caveman fabric to make these- 

They crack me up.  You can pivot the rock to block off the cave entrance.  :)

 Halloween Mug Rug Swap time!  I made 2 for my partner- a round one that is functional and a rectangular, reversible one that is more decorative, but she can do whatever she likes with it, I'll never know.  :)  Also a bat/moon pin she can wear or leave on the mug rug or put it on her purse.  Some fabric scraps, too.

The backs-

And for weird crap I can do without- our Price Pfister Pfaucet sprung a leak.  Part is here- Jim is not.  He'll get to it soon, I'm sure.  Anyway, I wrapped it up to control the drippage and it looked like a bunny, it made me laugh.   Or an elephant with a toothache, you decide.  :)

Hope everyone is having a nice autumn, we are having the NICEST weather and I've been outside more in the last week than I was ALL summer long.  Too bad the mosquitoes are huge and eating me alive out there.



  1. I love everything you make. They all make me smile!

  2. I am in awe of everything you have done, but what really caught my eye was the first block. I love it. Is there a pattern? How did you do that?

  3. Your projects are wonderful. Not a surprise. There is a special kind of magic in your sewing room. You would make a fortune if you could bottle it up.

    Love the faucet photo.

  4. Ha Flossie "bunny in a kitchen"..I was expecting a story of a little bunny lose in your kitchen with your kitties in hot pursuit! Too funny!

    Your bitty blocks are so cute! You have such "fun,crazy creative brain" I wonder what's "bubbling in your head" for next months bitty swap??

  5. That variety of modern solid bitties is quite fun how you changed them in so many ways. Your other bitties are just adorable too!

  6. Wow, your tiny little squares amaze me every time! That reversible mug rug - incredible. so cute!

    Also loved seeing how you kept going with the squares that weren't working. I'm glad you thought to include that here!

    Hope your "elephant" is feeling better soon. : )

  7. Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your quilts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world! :)


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