Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey, E-Reader Stand and a Peek for Ruthie...

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!  Jim was sort of laid out on the sofa trying to recuperate from a nasty bout of sciatica, so I spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking and we watched some shows about Alaska at the same time.  I can see him from the sofa so it's like being together without having him underfoot.  It's OK, though, his dogs more than made up for it, if I said "get out of the kitchen" once, I said it, loudly, a thousand times.  Dogs, argggg!  Anyway, the bird came out nice, didn't it?  I love that rack/pan combo, too, got it several years ago at Bed, Bath and Beyond for a mere $20, and got a rebate which made it end up costing about $7.  Gotta love that and the fact that it's non-stick, clean up was a breeze!

 I got an e-reader a couple of weeks ago since our local library is now loaning e-books which will save me trips to the actual library.  I got a Sony PRS-T1, the new wi-fi version with a touch screen.  I like it a lot, it does a lot of cool things and the librarian was very impressed with it.  She's seen a lot more e-readers than I have and said this one was super user-friendly.  Yay, I need that!    Anyway, this is what I was doing when I was eating lunch, propping it against books and Jim's rubbery glasses case.  Not terribly convenient, ya know?

 I decided it deserved better and since I had made a pouch from some fabric selvages and then decided I didn't like it, I had taken it apart and kept the pieces for something.  THIS project was perfect for those pieces!  I added a little more to the top, adjust the angles on the fabric and sewed up a pyramid shaped base which I then filled with ground-up walnut shells for weight.  I made a little bumper for the bottom to hold the bottom of the reader and voilá!  A perfect little stand!

 I actually had to remake the bumper thing twice to get it to hold the reader at the right angle for me to sit and read, but still, it was a quick and very satisfying project. 

And here's a little sneak peek of the label for Ruthie's mug rug.  I had to photograph it now because it'll be hard to see once it's attached to it. 

Can you believe it?  A blog post with no mention of bitt........ well, you know!   Next time, for sure. 
Consider yourselves warned.  :)


  1. Oh, I sympathize with your hubby and his sciatic pain. As soon as I feel it setting in I call my massage therapist. Whatever she does keeps it from getting too bad.
    Love your e reader stand....are you going to make a tutorial of it? Pretty please?

  2. Love your blog as always...yummy looking turkey!!!!
    Your e-reader stand is really cute, great idea!!!!

  3. Awww....poor Jim! I hope he's feeling better. I threw out my back, so I know what he was going fun! Can't wait to see your mug rug for Ruthie. I'm sure it will be spectacular like everything you do!!

  4. That turkey does look like it's been cooked to be photographed for a magazine! And wow!...I'm completely honored to see my mug rug hanging in your kitchen! Genius!...the e-reader proper upper. I love selvages projects. And finally that tag is awesomely fun! Can't wait to see what it goes with.

  5. You did a great job on the eReader prop. I have seen one online, but have not taken the time to make one. Maybe I will get around to it after seeing yours.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN (who owns the original iPad)


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