Saturday, June 5, 2010

I won a giveaway a while back....

...from Jodie, at RicRac....... And boy, did she send me loot! She sent me a bunch of new patterns which I have been lusting over and waiting for her to come out with, like Ernst and Pebble, the adorable turtles featured in her blog a few months back. And trio of adorable softies with their own carrying case/house, and bag pattern and zipper-mouthed monsters, I can see those coming in REAL handy on a trying day! My mother was always telling me to zip my lip, but I think unzipping it would be much more fun!

Also, Jodie sent me things that I can stitch my own pithy comments on, if I'm feeling really bratty! And 2 adorable pins and some genuine Australian fabric, too, a very sweet rose fabric, I just love it all! It all came with a really sweet note, too, with her superhero monkey on the front, what a hoot! How exciting to come home from vacation and find this huge envelope on the table waiting for me, from Australia! I just love the internet, I'm making the coolest friends. Jodie is super talented and still so very humble, it's just a pleasure to read her blog and see what she's making and sharing.

Thanks, Jodie! You made my day for me, at least twice already! You're super and I hope you keep on doing what you're doing, you're on a roll, lady!


  1. What a fantastic welcome home package!!! Awesome to see you mama-ing this DQS round! I am delirious that I got in. Kimmie is my mama. Now I'm going to read all about your vacation...

  2. wow, such a nice gift package! amazing! i guess i'm gonna have to check out that ricrac blog myself... congrats on the win!


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