Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Family visits and a couple of photos....

Both of my brothers descended upon northwest Arkansas last week to visit us and the parents. Steve and his wife, Nelly, stayed with us and John stayed at the parents' house. We had a great time together even though I didn't get to see them all that much except in the mornings. Of all times, my boss called me to work a couple of days during that time.

Mum wanted a photo of the 3 kids, so we obliged her after a nice dinner on our verandah.

Steve, me, John
54, 53, 55

Steve, John, Pops

Steve and Nelly

Nelly is a lovely lady and we just love her to bits. While she was here, I foisted a set of dinnerware on her, my Pfaltzgraf Naturewood dinnerware that we just never used, service for 8, lots of pieces. I boxed it all up and we crammed it into their car when they left to drive back to FL. Phew! I have room in my cupboards again! Yay. lol

And we took the opportunity to get a photo of the 2 of us, too, it's a little dark because it's under a roof, like the others, but it'll do.

If you're curious, the little house in the background is our pump house, it covers the well and keeps it from freezing in the winter.

It was great to see everyone, it's been at least 2 years since we were all together like this. I know the parents enjoyed it immensely!


  1. Whoo Hoo, look at you;) GREAT looking family, and boy your mom must have been busy running around you three growing up!

  2. How nice to have you all together! Your parents must have been stoked! So you are the much longed for girl! So glad you had a great time.

  3. Nice family...glad you had a good time.

  4. So fun for you all to get together!!

    You commented on your pictures being dark- have you tried uploading them on flickr and adjusting the exposure there- (I think it's called picnik)?)

  5. Family time....awesomeness!;) And aren't you just a cutie patootie there between your bros! You are blest!;)

  6. But where's the Mumster?!?!

    What a handsome family - you're a baby sister. Aaaw! And, god, you are in good shape, woman!

    I love your wee house in the woods - what a lifestyle!

  7. OMG !! You are gorgeous !!


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