Saturday, June 6, 2009

Vacations are F.U.N.

We're home and struggling to get back into the routine and catching up on orders and laundry, etc. We had a great time, thanks to our friends and hosts, Katie and Patrick. They are so kind and gracious to open up their beach house to us every summer and we always have the best of times. Sun and sand and searching for sharks teeth during the day (141 this year); our annual craft project painted in the front yard (this year we painted totems); eating fabulous dinners at the picnic table while we wait for the sun to set (2 green flashes this year) and falling into our Murphy bed exhausted shortly thereafter. Drinks in the pavilion as the Gulf breeze washes over you, you just never feel hot when you're at the beach. There's nothing like it, really. Bliss.

As usual, we hated to leave but needed to come back to the real world of grown grass, happy dogs and 3 cats who seem to have brought home a dozen live mice that we're busy now trying to catch and some sewing that needed doing.
One project was for a reversible apron for a friend in TX. Don't you just love this happy fabric? This is the Lucy apron pattern by The Brassy Apple. I've made this before and I keep changing little things on it. I added longer ties so I can tie it in the front, raised them a bit higher so they tie at my waist rather than the hip and added about 4" of elastic into the neck strap (hidden in the casing) so I can pull it on and off without untying the neck. I love it! I'm trying to find more of this fabric so I can make myself one.

And, just to add to my own self-induced stress levels, I've joined, already in progress, a new quilt-along by Old Red Barn Co. I'm kind of behind, so I've been pretty busy since Tuesday. I picked out these fabrics and have pressed them and cut them into 2.5" strips, ready to be sewn together. I've added a few and deleted a few since this photo, but this will give you an idea of what colors I'm using. Yes, same kind of colors as last time. I seem to only buy bright colors as they make me happy, so instead of going out and buying more fabric, I used what I had. My husband would be so pleased, if he had a clue what I was doing upstairs all day yesterday! lol

So, it's been a busy June so far, hope all y'all are having fun and doing something you like to do, too!

Oh, and look what's blooming! This is our best clematis year in ages.


  1. ooh, the time in FL sounds fantastic! love the traditions you guys have with your friends.

    and the fabric for the quilt-along. Wow, totally what I might have chosen too! I was to tempted to jump in as well, but am getting better at keeping to my list of current projects so I actually get stuff DONE, not just started. I can always go back to the quilt-along, right?

    Well, can't wait to see the quilt emerging...

  2. Thanks, Karin, it was great fun and now it seems like a dream... I'm about to go sew for a bit now, it's taking me forever to sew all these strips together and I'm pressing my seams open, which takes longer, seems like, but I'm also making another apron out of smaller pieces and that's consuming me, too. I wish I had your willpower and could stop finding new things to make almost every day, I love the internet but there's so much temptation on a daily basis.

    More photos coming up soon!

  3. Willpower? What willpower?!? I thought making a list would help keep me focused, but then off I go to make tooth pillows. Not on list!

    Anyway, I'm waiting for the photos... ; )


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