Thursday, May 21, 2009

Leaving for vacation....

We're leaving tomorrow, the 22nd, and heading to Indian Rocks Beach, FL to spend about 10 days at our friends' beach house. Patrick and Katie are nice enough to have us down every year and we have such a good time there.
We have a wonderful dog/cat/housesitter named Carole who will hold down the fort while we're gone and keep things running smoothly around here so we'll have absolutely NO worries at all. And isn't that what a vacation is supposed to be all about?

This is the view from the front yard and we eat dinner every night at this table. In the background, you can just barely see the roped-off sea turtle nest, this is the one that 147 babies hatched out of 2 months later.

The water looks different almost every day.

This was taken last year on our last night- we hated to leave, the sunsets were spectacular and we saw the green flash at least 5 times, which is a record for us because some years we didn't see it at all.

I'll have photos to share when we get home and I'll get to go to my absolute favorite quilt shop in the whole world, Rainbow's End in Dunedin, FL which is about a 15 minute drive from the beach house. I could spend a whole day there, and I might if it's raining! Anyway, I'll come home with new fabrics to work with and that's pretty exciting for me, since I am addicted to fabric.

Stay out of trouble!


  1. Can you possibly come by Texas to pick me up? I'll ber sitting at the 4-way with my suitcase in hand.

    It is beautiful there on the beach!

  2. Happy to, MaryAnn! Wouldn't we have fun?! Hey, I got the book you sent, thank you SO much, it looks great. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it, I'll read it at the beach!

  3. I know you're going to have a wonderful time! Take lots of pictures. I've never seen the green exciting that must have been. You will be missed!

  4. The green flash, you must explain when you return...I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time!!!!


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