Saturday, June 1, 2013

Thanks so much, everyone.... and I'm ready to move forward, to quote a friend...

I very much appreciated all the kind comments from you all, I hope you can understand why it's taken me so long to get back to you and say thank you.  Honestly, I spent so much time here bragging on my Nosey Parker, I feel like this blog was more about her than anything else.  But I'm going to try to get back to doing things like I did, even though it won't ever be the same, not even close.  


I've been a little busy these days with helping with my mother, but I've also had some time to sew.  I've made a few bitties and a lunch bag and a couple of mug totes.  Let me show you.  Bitty Block Committee is on hiatus for the summer, so I don't have as many as usual to show you.  

We did another go-round of the beach/underwater theme- I think this one fits quite well, since it's half underwater.  The message is their last will and testament and leaves ME all their fabric and quilting supplies.  Heh!

We also did a Farmer's Market theme and I made zucchini- you know how you get so many that you can't hardly give them away?  LOL  And I made one block to commemorate a funny occurrence I had with my mother at the store once when the clerk had spelled cucumbers as "cucmumbers" on the sign.  The laughter from my mother could be heard throughout the entire store.  ;)

 We also did a side swap called "Bitter Bitties" and I made a "You are the spinach in my teeth" block....

 and another one- "You are the gum on my shoe."  I did this one especially because Kimmie and Ruthie love the Wizard of Oz so much, and I thought it was pretty funny that Dorothy would step in it, even more than she already had.  LOL

 I made a couple of mug totes, for someone who goes to classes or work and wants to bring her own favorite mug with her.  This one turned out really well.... from this tutorial- by {me} and my thoughts....  I added the inside pocket.

 And this one is just adorable, from this tutorial- by Red Brolly, but honestly I think it would be better as a little purse for a kid, it seems awkward for a mug, too cube-like. The butterfly wasn't on the flap once a mug was inside, it covered part of the top of the bag.  I guess the flap could be made longer, but it would still be very deep at the top, not tapered like it is in this photo. 

I sent the first one to my partner in FLiRTS, she wanted  a mug tote or a lunch bag... So I made her a lunch bag, too, using this cute Edgy Veggy material that I had.  I found this pattern on Etsy. 

And I included a matching condiment wallet... I've sold tons of them in my own Etsy shop.

 I also made myself a new bag out of selvages.  I had worn my old one out, it was threadbare and shabby.  It has pockets on the outside but it's plain inside, since I use a purse organizer that fits right in it. I did this in a "quilt-as-you-go" style so I wouldn't have to make a lining.  I covered the inside seams with binding.

Thank you all again for understanding our loss and sympathizing with us.  We do appreciate you all very much.  Bizbee and Gravey have been getting a tremendous amount of attention lately and we really are treasuring them even more than ever.  A smooch/rub/head-butt from a cat is a gift, one we need and really enjoy.  


  1. Hi
    The Red Brolly bag that I made fits a English teacup rather than a coffee cup - these tend to be a bit narrower and more upright. I have made a couple of these and my favourite coffee cup does not fit it :( but my aunts teacup does - so she ended up with it!
    Hope this helps with the making of these gorgeous bags - I love the veggie one!!

  2. So glad to see you back girlfriend. I have missed seeing your amazing creations. I still have 3 of your mug warmers on my quilting table; they hold all the goodies that help me do what I do, (make a mess and other stuff.)

    Lots of smooches and head butts to the family.....


  3. Oh my gosh, you have thrown yourself into some wonderful projects! You do such beautiful things. I love the tote bag with the salvages. Great job.
    I know what it is like to loose a kitty. It is so hard, they become such great parts of our lives. It is nice that you have two other kitties to shower with attention.

  4. Your projects are all beautiful. Well done.

    Took me a minute to recognize your bog with the new header. I think I like it even better than the old is more you.

  5. So good to see you back Sooz, missed you. I love all your bits and pieces made especially that bag. I had been collecting selvages for a while, but when we redecorated the room I decided to get rid of them as I never could find anything to do with them........ Der! should have waited a while then I also could have a Tote just like you. :)

  6. Ah, you've been reading my posts! It is good to move forward, even though the heart aches. I love all your bitty quilts and your other creations - to perfection, as always. I fell in love with your creations way back in something like 1985! :-)

  7. Your selvage bag is an inspiration. I have been saving them for a while and think I will make a bag with them.

  8. Love your take on my little mugbag, so pleased to see it.

    happy sewing.


I LOVE comments, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one but I also understand if you don't. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day, I know! I try to respond by email to comments and questions. You can reach me at flossieblossoms at yahoo dot com