Monday, April 29, 2013

Hardest post to write-

On April 11, Nosey Parker was killed by a coyote.  We are truly devastated and distraught and miss her so much.  I've cried buckets of tears and it doesn't help at all. 

I'm not in the mood to sew or post or try to be light-hearted and I don't even want to read a lot of sympathetic responses because I know I'll just start crying again, so don't feel like you need to say anything.  I just wanted to let you know, if you didn't already.

I'll probably have to change the photo at the top of the blog because just seeing it makes me tear up again. 

Thanks for understanding. 


  1. I understand completely.It is hard, but you do have a lot of great memories and pictures. They do help.I am sending my prayers and thoughts.

  2. I won't say what you don't want to hear. Thinking of you...

  3. I can't help it, I have to leave a comment. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  4. Dear Sooz, just take your time. My heart goes out to you x

  5. I am soooo sorry. Our Nora went out one day in October and never came home. She was 16 and we loved her with all of our hearts. I cherish every photo and video I have of her.

  6. Hugs!!!!
    So sorry to hear this. Hope that it gets easier soon.

  7. No words Susan...

    If you decide to take down her picture can you have a folder somewhere on your blog with those wonderful pictures of her growing up? I hope so......

    Love you girl.

  8. so so sorry for your loss. i know how much you loved her :(

  9. My miss priss is everything to me. When I loose her I too will cry buckets, and nothing or no one can make it better.

    I ache anc cry for you and your loss. Tuck the photos away for awhile.

  10. I am so, so very sorry for your loss. I am so sad to hear the news.


I LOVE comments, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one but I also understand if you don't. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day, I know! I try to respond by email to comments and questions. You can reach me at flossieblossoms at yahoo dot com