Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Perpetual Project- :)

 Long time, no blog!  Life's been a little busy around here lately, my mom is not doing very well, she's 92 and having major issues so I've been spending a lot of time over there helping out my dad, and trying to help her.  She's had appointments and exams and an MRI and a neuro-psychological exam.  Still waiting to see the neurologist, but the preliminary diagnosis is Alzheimer's, but maybe with Parkinson's thrown in.  Home Health Care is doing a great job by sending over therapists to help us learn how to deal with the physical issues and troubles with swallowing, weakness, etc.  It's very heartbreaking to see her going thru all this and it's exhausting for all of us.  Needless to say, free time has dwindled away so while it seems like there isn't too much to show off right now, I haven't blogged in so long, that there turns out to be quite a bit.  

Here's the newest big project, I started this a couple of months ago- a perpetual  calendar using some of my precious bitty blocks from the group I'm in on Flickr, The Bitty Block Committee.  I made one big background piece and then made a monthly banner for each month and an extra one for birthdays.

 This is how I'll denote special days, with a wire embellishment.  I need to add some beads to it!

 I had so much fun with 2 girlfriends when I was with them last, going thru all the bitties I have accumulated and picking out 5 for each month's banner.  We were up til about 2 AM going thru them over and over, then willowing the bunches down, it was wonderful seeing all the bitties together like that, I have hundreds and hundreds of them, and I broke up a lot of sets but it's worth it. 

I'll make a new post soon to show you what else I've been working on in my sparse free time.  I received a great package in a swap called FLiRTS- Fab Little Random Treasures Swap, where we pick a difficulty level and then choose 5 things from that level that we might like to receive, then our partner picks one thing and makes it- I SCORED big time and got a great tote bag, I'll show you soon!  Can't tell or show you what I made yet, as it's still in transit.  

Anyway, I hope you like my calendar!  I have it hanging in my office near the computer and I love looking at it.  It's an original design, I kind of made it up as I went along and built it from the inside out, to fit the banners.  Big thanks to all my fellow Bitty Blockheads, I couldn't have made this without them!


  1. You are an inspiration! Sorry about your Mom.

  2. Susan your calendar is amazing. You should package it before someone else does. I'm sorry about your Mum too. My Dad had Alzheimer's and it is a terrible disease. We went to some support groups put on by our local Alzheimer's service. It helped us understand what was going on. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's health :(. Do take time to rest and reflect and take care of yourself. Big hugs.

    Your calendar is beyond awesome. I can hardly believe you've had time for anything else!! So much fun.

  4. Sorry to hear about your Mom and did wonder if her health was the reason you had not been blogging lately. Just try to take care of yourself because at these times we often forget about ourselves. Love your calendar and glad you have a little time to play.

  5. Hi!Your calendar is so cute! What a fun way to enjoy your bitty blocks.

    I'm sorry your mom isn't well. But she (and your dad) are blessed to have you there to help out. Hang in there!


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