Saturday, December 29, 2012

Long time, no post, lots of photos!

 We had a new round of pincushions in our FLiPS swap, this is the one I made for my partner, craktpot/Teri...

 It's a little caravan/trailer and I used a tutorial from The Quilted Fish      
to start it off and then made some changes.  I altered the shape just a little, then
 I added a rear bumper and a license plate and "tail lights" and made the door so it could open, it's now a needle holder. 

 The little hitch thing on the front is actually a small pair of scissors that slides into a 
pocket and supports the trailer.  Car not included.  LOL

 The scissors work, just slide them out of the wire wrap.

 It even has a tiny TV antenna for those lonely nights at the campground.  ;)

 I received this wonderful rainbow turkey pincushion from my partner, andrcarl!  She also included a beautiful coordinating dishtowel that she crocheted for me.  Love that, too.

 One of my pincushion bebes didn't receive the pincushion that was sent to her, so I made her this one, totally copying it from one made by Little Miss Shabby.  I changed it slightly- made it taller, added ground walnut shells, etc, but it's so not original by me, but she liked it.  :)

In the mug rug swap, I made and sent off this one, which started with a bitty block...

... and this one- my partner liked "Kitschy" things....

 And I received this one from Jan/Stampqnjlr, isn't it cute?

 The Bitty Block Bee Queen is my friend Kimmie, and she loves The Wizard of Oz. 
 I made her this Horse of a Different Color... heavily inspired from a photo of an embroidered horse.  I used embroidery floss in 8 or 10 colors for the tail and mane.


...and the Medal of Courage.   This little medal was a real challenge, because it's so small, about the size of a half-dollar, maybe.  It's 3D and hangs loose from the ribbon. 

 The month before, the theme was sewing so I made a large fabric button and put it on 
sewing themed print fabric, and a steam iron.

 Did some bitties for winter and some for aliens...

 And some pelicans for a bird theme....

 And Medusas for the Fantasy theme....

 And Bizbee made a full and complete recovery from his illness and is doing great, but breaking things a lot and acting like a one-man demolition derby!  We love him madly.  :)  On a sadder note, we lost Shanzie Fyne, our last remaining collie, in early November to an enlarged heart.  Poor silly thing, we miss her.  She'd had lots of physical ailments in her 8 year life span, but she was a dear dog and lots of fun.

And now I think we're all caught up!  Phew.  If you read all this and looked at all the photos, give yourself a reward, you earned it!


  1. Your creations never cease to amaze me. They are all fantastic.

    Sorry about your puppy. So glad Bizbee is doing better.

    Looking forward to see what you make next!

  2. LOVE your trailer pincushion!! so-o-o-o-o much work to it, but oh so lovely!!!

    i've been waiting to see bisbee.... and here he is....just before the new year. he looks exactly like the angel he is. funny little creatures aren't they??? beautiful golden eyes!!!

    happy new year to you!!

  3. Hey Suz, so glad you got caught up (on your blog). Your creations are awesome and I love the way your mind works when you make things for people. They are little works of art for sure.

    Thanks for the update on Biz and here's hoping that NP and the rest of the furry family is doing well - so sorry to hear about your pup. Its always so hard to say goodbye isn't it?

    Thanks for sharing and you have my best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!


  4. Somehow I almost missed this post, but so glad to see biz doing well, just sorry to hear about your doggy companion.

    Lovely photos of your work, you really are amazing.

    I have just seen the new addition to your family on your flickr photos, enjoy.

  5. Love your little camper! You've given me some great gift ideas. And what a sweet kitty :)


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