Friday, February 24, 2012

FLiQS quilt progress and a couple of bitties...

 I finished the top of the Wheel of Fortune rainbow quilt.  The colored part measures 13.25" square. I've added white borders which I will trim down later, they're too wide right now.  516 pieces of fabric, not counting the backing or binding.  It's a good thing I enjoy doing crazy stuff like this, since I'll be mailing this little quilt off in a few weeks.


The back is, IMO, more interesting than the front.  :)

 Here's an angled shot-

 And a close-up of one of the best stars.  ;)

 Today I'll work on quilting it, then all I have to do is make a label and add a binding.  It'll be finished soon, I hope. 

Along with the Godzilla block that I showed you previously, I also made this little 3D glasses guy for a movie block.  Completely influenced from a clipart image, I added clear plastic to the glasses to make it more realistic. He was a big hit amongst the bitty block girls, all but one of them chose him over Godzilla.  He's so silly!

 And our other theme was "Bathroom", so I used a line drawing from a dentist's bib that I had gotten a few years ago and made this little trio for everyone.   People are coming up with some really cute ideas, I'll show you when they've all arrived. 

We are having some lovely weather here in the Ozarks, it's a little hard to stay inside to sew!  I hope you all are having a nice early spring, too!


  1. Your rainbow quilt is mesmerizing! Both sides of it.

  2. That little quilt is amazing! I can't believe you don't get to keep it! So nice!!

    And how I love seeing what you come up with for your blocks. Fun fun!

  3. I LOVE your bittys! Not that I don't love your quilt too but I know it's probably not for me so I can't love it too much! I'm not good with disappointment! lol


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