Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finished the Doll Quilt for the Fab Little Quilt Swap! And Nosey Parker and 2 bitties...

Finished!  Finally, I don't know how many hours/days/weeks I spent making this doll quilt, but I have a lovely partner and I think she'll appreciate it. 

 I really like angled shots better than straight on, I don't know why, I like everything else all tidy and square!

 The back is insane, but it was the only fabric that I had that really seemed to compliment the front.

 I made the label using a bitty block and writing the particulars around the edges.  Her name is covered so as not to ruin the surprise.

This month, the bitty themes are pirates and landscapes.  I'm only doing pirates, arrrrrr!
One group will get this block (they can opt for Scurvy Dogs if "bastards" offends them or they have kids.)

 And the other group gets a pirate who is a little miffed at that crappy parrot!  lol I had trouble drawing this out so I had my husband put on a baggy shirt and pose for me.  No, he doesn't have a hook or an earring or long hair!  

And I haven't shown you any shots of Nosey Parker lately- she's still just as cute and funny as ever and if she's the least bit cold, she seeks out a nice warm lap and pins you down until you think you'll never be able to walk again, your legs are so numb. 

We just love this girl!

That's it from here unless you want to see photos of our cleaned out closets and the linen "black hole" that has yet to be tackled.  We are decluttering and loving it!


  1. Your blocks are a riot!

    Your mini is beautiful...if your partner doesn't love it to pieces tell me and I will go steal it from her.

    Nosey Parker....well...she is always the queen of the show.

  2. Oh amazing!!! That mini is soooo beautiful!

    Hi Nosey!! I heart her!

  3. That little rainbow quilt! Love it!!!!


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