Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Triangle Zippered Pouch.....

I have been bothered a lot lately with the less than perfect corners that you can get when making a zippered pouch because of all the bulk with the zipper and 4 pieces of fabric and maybe even interfacing, all coming together at the top corners of the bags. After seeing a pattern at the local quilt shop with nice, clean corners, I decided to try something to make mine better.

I took a strip of fabric, slightly wider than the zipper, about 3" long maybe and turned under the 2 short ends about 1/4" and pressed. Then I laid one pressed edge over the zipper and lined up the under one even with the top and stitched it into place. I did that at both ends, about 3/4" in from my desired length, stitching slowly so I didn't break a needle. Then I trimmed away almost all of the zipper tape that was under there, reducing the bulk immensely. Trim the rest of the fabric to the same width as the zipper tape and continue on making the pouch as normal. It worked really well, as you can see! The fabric is Swanky Chez Moi, Moda Beverly Hills Vintage New Floral Blush, it's really pretty and has a pattern repeat from selvedge to selvedge. I think I need more of this pretty fabric!
The side...
Open- lining....
The bottom..................


  1. Love your attention to detail....

  2. Thank you, Leftover Lisa! lol I appreciate YOU coming in here and making a comment.

    Need a little triangular shaped bag? Seriously...

  3. This bag is so cute! I love the detail you added to the zipper -- I can imagine how much that helped with bulk, plus it just looks so nice and neat.

    And your seams -- the patterns on the side match up perfectly! Wow. Nice job! (I was reading on your etsy shop that you're a stickler for details. No kidding. With beautiful results!!!)

  4. Thanks so much, Karin, you're sweet to say so. I enjoy your blog very much! Thanks for popping in to see me and my "baby blog". lol


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