Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Gifts....

My mother, aka "The Mumster" is going to be 89 in Dec. She's such a neat lady, she's from London, England but she is a naturalized citizen of the US, something she is very proud of. She is incredibly funny and I love to make her things that I think will make her happy. She (this must be where I get it) loves colors, especially bright colors, but purple is both of our favorite color. When I saw this fabric, I knew I had to make her something. It was going to be a purse like the red one I did in an earlier post, but I didn't think I had enough time since I bought the fabric Friday and Mother's Day is only 2 days away, so I thought PILLOWCASE!

I quick washed the fabric and got right on it and about an hour or so later, had it done. OK, maybe it took 2 hours, I wasn't counting, but it was a lot faster than making a purse! I had only purchased a half yard of 3 different fabrics, so each side of the case is different. I love this fabric! It has soft, pretty colors and a sheen to it, it's by Lakehouse and it's gorgeous. I think she'll like it. She better use it or I have to bop her on head!

Don't tell her but she's also getting some good black licorice, Aussie Style, and some lovely chocolate covered Bing cherries. And a card and visit from us- her only daughter and her favorite son-in-law. lol

Isn't it pretty? The dots are shiny and the swirls on the background of the butterfly piece are shiny, also. I would love a bedroom done in this fabric, but my husband might not think so much of it. lol

She's also getting a new pinnie, done in cat fabric with mice pockets, reversible and lined with a great striped fabric. The pattern is from The Brassy Apple, it's the Lucy pattern and comes as an e-pattern, so there's no waiting if you order one, you'll have it so fast in your email inbox. And the pattern is fast and easy and fits great. I shortened this one a bit as Mum is quite petite, but I like the shorter version for me, too.

Happy Mother's Day to The Mumster! She's the best mom and best friend a girl could ever hope for.


  1. That pillowcase is so sweet!!!! Love the fabrics...

  2. Thanks, sweetie! I love 'em too, I'm glad I have a little bit of all them leftover.


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