Sunday, July 7, 2013

Winners for the drawing!

We have winners!  Sorry to keep you waiting so long, but I wanted to give lots of people a chance. As you'll recall, you were trying to win this- a book on alterations, written by my friend André Williams.  I bought 2 extra copies so that I could give them away here. 

All the cats were outside and I was home alone so I did the drawing the old fashioned way with bits of paper and drew out #11 and #9, which means our winners are Dolores and Rafael's Mum!  I'll be in touch for your addresses, ladies, and congratulations!  I hope you get a lot of use out of your books.  More use out of the books than I get out of my lazy, do-nothing cats, that can't even be bothered to help me to pick winners!  LOL

I've got copies of André's books in my Etsy shop if anyone who didn't win is still interested in having one.  :)  I'm not making any $$$ off of them, so don't think I'm in this for the moolah.  LOL


  1. YeeHaa....Margie Baby and I are winners!!!
    Thanks bunches good buddy!

  2. WOW !!! Thank you SO much!! Hey Dee, aren't we the lucky ones!! Really need a book like that too, so couldn't have come at a better time!! Thanks Sooz!


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