Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bizbee- Full Recovery! And a few bitties....

 The little guy is 100% back to normal, yay!  Thanks for all the comments and concern for his (and ours!) well-being.  He has now figured out how to get to the top of the computer armoire and he spends a lot of time napping up there.  The heat from the double halogen lamp attracts him, and Nosey Parker and Gravey, thankfully not all at the same time or I worry the top could collapse.  :)  I've had to move all the baskets off the top, though, because he thinks it's fun to knock them down onto me.  Lil' Brat!

 He and Parker on the back deck- I think there was a squirrel in the walnut tree and it got his attention.

 This month's Bitty Block Bee theme was "Hey, Cowboy!"  I made a brand of the initials of our "Queen"  and a little scene of a broken wagon wheel leaning on a cactus. 

 And in the BBC, the theme is Fall/Thanksgiving.  I'm making scarecrows. 

I am still spending a fair amount of time at my parents' house and this week is the big craft festival called "War Eagle" and I'm scheduled to work 2 days downtown for my friend that has a shop.  And the man who is doing most of the work there isn't feeling 100% himself, so I may be there more than I think.  And we need to get some of the animals to the vet for shots and a little problem with one dog, so this coming week is shaping up to be nuts with little to no sewing involved.  

I hope everyone else is having a nice fall.  Our colors are starting to show up and it's getting really pretty, if a bit messy.  Our back deck is leaf-covered and they are stuck down and wet because we got over 3 glorious inches of rain, woo-hoo!


  1. So glad your kitty is back to normal and acting like the sassy cat he is supposed to be (knocking down baskets on your head. lol) Your bitties are adorable and I'm sorry I didn't join the fall swap. I love that little scarecrow guy!

  2. So glad to here your babies are all getting back to normal. Sounds like a busy week ahead, must've the time of year for mad weeks. Take care and look out for yourself as we'll as looking out for everyone around . X

  3. Hi there,
    Ms. Nita was in town this week and gave me the link to your blog. I have been having serious dog and cat withdrawals since I left the table.
    I will be reading backward to catch up with you and yours!
    Blessings to you,

  4. Thanks, ladies!

    Jaybird, I miss you at the KT, thanks for finding me here and I hope you are well and happy!

  5. Hola,

    Un blog muy bonito, Nos encantan los gatitos nosotras tenemos una gatita tambien preciosa.
    Un beso desde Barcelona.

    Raquel i Neus

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