Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bad Hair, Flag, a few Bitties and Redneck Wine Glasses....

 I love this little pot, it looks a lot like me on a bad hair day!

 We had a little get-together here at our house last weekend, some of my internet friends came from TX, LA, AR and MO, there were 6 of us ladies and 4 husbands and we all had a great time.  I love these ladies, they are like the sisters that I never had and we laughed soooo much!  And we ate and drank a fair amount, too!

I thought we should drink out of some redneck wine glasses since we're in Arkansas, so I gathered up these Ball jars in 3 different shapes, 2 sizes, and got some glass candlesticks from the Dollar Tree.  I washed them well, used alcohol where the glue would go and dropped a couple of glass marbles into the candle part before gluing them together with E6000.  I let them set up for about a week before we used them and we had no catastrophes!  :)  Some of the jars were ordinary 16 oz regular mouth, and the others were the wide mouth 8 and 16 oz Elite jars.  Those were my favorites.  I actually saw all the jars for sale at Hobby Lobby AFTER I ran all over the county looking for them!  My friend Jen sent the small ones up from TX.  Thanks, Jen!

 Sorry, blurry- but you can see the marbles.  That helped us remember which glass was ours, but we also added a charm to each glass, tied on with linen string.  They came out cute and worked really well.  Hand wash, though, so the glue won't let go. 

 Bizbee continues to thrive and grow!

 He is very fun and sweet and charming and loved having company!

 It flat wore him out!  Here he is dreaming of his former life as a bellhop.  :)


He loves to play in my wastebasket in the office.

 Pretty stinkin' cute, huh?

I purely love this face!

 He always yawns 3 times.  lol

 This month's bitty block theme was Happy Hour, so I made coconut cup drinks, similar to the real ones that my husband makes for us. 

 The napkin is 3D, which is fun.  3.5" square...

And this month's bee theme is wine, so I made Julie these- a corkscrew and cork and a bunch of grapes.  Some machine applique and some hand applique, which I don't do a lot of, but I really like the 3D effect you get from it.  Hopefully she'll like them!

We put up a flag pole, finally, just in time for the 4th!  It's removable, sits in a metal sleeve, so we can take it down during bad storms.  That's really great because it's right next to our satellite dish, which is behind that lilac bush.

I can see it from the office and everywhere in the front of the house.  Love it, even on still, calm days!  I can also see it when I'm vacuuming and if it moves, it scares me!  lol  I'm not used to it yet.  It makes me think that someone is standing on the verandah, which would just be WRONG, as far out in the woods as we live!

So that's all my news!  Sorry it's so long, but that's just the way I do it, I guess!


  1. Pretty stinkin' cute hits the nail on the head. The babe is adorable!

  2. Lovely to see what you've been up to! It's been too long and a new kitten too, adorable!!


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