Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Progress on the Doll Quilt and a Mug Rug Sketch...

 I made some progress on the doll quilt, I'm doing a "Wheel of Fortune" mini quilt for my partner.  Hopefully she'll like it, it was a challenge to do with 96 little triangles, each triangle has 4 pieces of fabric in it, that's a lot of seams and this little puppy weighs a lot!  Here you can see the size difference between unsewn triangles at the bottom and 4 sewn ones at the top.  All the seam allowances shrink it by about 25%.

 All sewn together- it measures 10.5" x 13.75".  I'll add a white border and then bind it with a pink, maybe a scrappy binding.

A close of one of the stars.  Getting these little strips to line up correctly was a pain in my butt, some of them I unpicked and resewed 3 times.  Grrr!

It's still not perfect, but it's acceptable, I think.

Gravey seems to approve of it!  :)

And here is my sketch for the Haiku mug rug swap.  It's a bird, bathing in a cup of tea.  Pretty whimsical, but I think it's funny and the poetry possibilities are good.  :)

Family is in town this week!  Too bad it's about 100º here and dry.  Lots of stay-inside time, I predict.


  1. You do such nice work, and lots of it!! I love your careful attention to all the details!!

  2. Oh, man, your acceptable is anyone elses perfect, I think!!! I'm wishing I'd looked harder at the DQS11 stuff - repeatable pattern minis are my fave to make and receive!!

    P.S. Was at a wedding at the weekend with a lot of the spouse's friends who I'd never met. I was asked more than once if I was "Mrs Gravie" - I thought of your furry friend there! Hee!!

  3. Such tiny perfection! Love it! :)

  4. Fabulous quilt! You mini-piecing and points are extremely neat.

  5. Excellent job on the quilt. Can't wait to see the finished mug mat.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  6. Hi S -- As some others already said, those tiny little squares look amazing!

    And the sketch looks fun too. Looking at it, I realized I never really made the connection that all your cute appliqued quilts must start off this way, nothing but an idea in your mind that you sketch out onto paper. But it looks so DETAILED! How in the world do you translate that into fabric? (Wait, I'm asking this of the woman who just made teensy tiny quilt blocks...) Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the end product and trying to figure out how you turned this graphite-and-paper cuteness into the fabric-and-thread variety! I'm amazed just THINKING about it!

  7. I visited your blog so many times. But I noticed that you does 't shard its finished work with us. I hope you will share it soon, Your post is best for inspiration.

  8. A perfect work you did with small fabrics, those are too good and attractive. Can't wait to see the finished mug mat. I have same cat in black colour.


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