Sunday, June 5, 2011

Scrappy Mug Rug 4 is complete! And some.........bitties, who'd have guessed? lol

 Another mug rug swap is finished- this is what I sent- a mug rug, a small wallet pattern and a wallet made from it, some round paper clips and a FQ of lime green, lime fabric. 

The wallet is made from Kaffe Fassett material, which my partner, messygoat/Elaine, just loves.  And she also loves circles, so everything here has a circular theme to it.  :)  She had commented on the mug rug as I was making it so I knew she'd like it.  I waited forever for that pattern to arrive so I could make her a wallet and give her the pattern, too.  (Please notice I didn't say I "gifted" her the pattern.  I hate the new, over-usage of that word, it just sounds pretentious to me and it's one of my few pet peeves.)  I'll give it or get it or receive it, but I'll never gift or be gifted with it, ugh.  OK, mini-rant over, sorry!

Anyway, she was happy!  And it made me happy to make her happy!  And I got even happier when I opened the package that came to my house the same day my package was delivered to Elaine's!  :)

Look at what I received!  My partner was freezeframe03, her name is Ann and she lives in CA. She is crazy talented and just the best sewer/crafter I've ever "met".  And she's sweet, funny and very entertaining and knowledgeable, too.

Not only did Annie make me the most perfect mug rug, she added all sorts of wonderful things, too.  Little rubber stamps with a sewing motif, buttons, a decorated envelope for the whole package AND the card, and a NP postcard!  I love all the goodies, what a great fun package to open. 

The mug rug is sheer artistic perfection.  She fussy cut the word fabrics for the borders, quilted it with NO backstitching, just buried knots and thread tails, did a fabulous job all around and I love it!  I liked this so much when she started posting sneak peeks and I had been hoping it was for me and I kept worrying that it would show up at someone else's house because I would have been disappointed to not get it!

 And she made this adorable postcard that looks just like Nosey Parker! 
Isn't it wonderful? I adore this so much!  Lucky, lucky me!

 The back of the mug rug is beautiful, too!

 I am thrilled with this swap, I had great partners both coming and going and you can't ask for more than that!  My swap mama, Kandra, did a great job!  Thanks, Kandra, and for going to Hobby Lobby for me, too.  :)

I am making Wonky Stars for the bitty group this month- My first batch is done- I did a set of 14 in shades of the rainbow.  They look pretty snazzy on the solid black background!  The swappers got to choose which color they would like.  I really hate to break up the set, they look so good together, I think. 

And Jim and I went to a Fireman's Appreciation picnic the other day, put on by the local business association, and they did some door prizes.  Jim's ticket won this- a great pottery candle holder.  It's really pretty and matches some pottery I already have, how cool is that?  It has a neat metallic sheen on one side where the glaze got smoked, I love that!  Paradise Pottery, outside Eureka Springs, if anyone is interested.  :)  (And I think it was the best prize given away, too, woot!  It was fun to jump up and claim it, he gave me his ticket to watch while he schmoozed with some other people.)

So all in all, it was an outstanding week!  I hope yours was too.


  1. You are very lucky indeed! You received some beautiful things. But your work is just as lovely. As I perused your blog, I just loved the little house quilt you made. And to put magnets on it so the owner could rearrange the houses, how clever!

  2. You deserve all those beauties! Look at all the wonderful things you make for others! I loved my mug rug too! I think it's the best one I ever got!

  3. Hey Sooz, I haven't been much for blog reading until recently. It seems I just couldn't figure out how to get to what I wanted to see in them. Well, now that I've had some training in blogging, I've chosen a few that I want to keep up with. So, here I am, reading through some of your blogs and enjoying myself, I must say. Anyway, it came to me, that you probably blogged about the swap when I had your name, so thought I'd come check it out...oh, girl, you are too kind! Now I wish I'd done something really intricate and worthy of your words. But, I had a plan in mind, and when it went awry, I was bull headed and wanted to stick with it and force it to come out looking the way it did in my head. Well, that part was unsuccessful, but I wasn't totally unhappy. I was really happy with the way NP came out tho. You're a sweetie, thanks.


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