Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have the nicest friends, they send me amazing things they've made....

 For the pincushion swap, my friend Jo , who lives in Scotland, made me the most amazing treasure chest!  I didn't know that she was making this for me, but I was very hopeful when I saw her sketch and the plan and then in really short order, the pincushion in progress!  This lady doesn't mess around, she gets an idea and just goes with it!  I was getting more and more excited about it when she threw out some info that had me convinced that this was NOT for me, after all, and I was so disappointed.  So imagine my thrill when I opened a box and found this pincushion inside! As you can see, I like pirate things, another friend made me this quilt last year.

The pincushion even came with it's own map!  It's stitched and burned and is just adorable.  Jo also included some great pieces of fabric, parrot pins and mini teacup pincushion, too.  WHAT a fabulous package, I am over the moon with it all!

 Look at all the booty in the treasure chest!  And there's a felt needle holder, too.  It's got it all.  The workmanship is amazing, all the handstitching, just so time-consuming and I am so flattered that she did all this for ME!  Wow.  What a nice, talented lady Jo is!  Thank you so much, Jo!

 I also received a wonderful mug rug in our swap, from my friend Sudi-Laura.  She and I have made things for each other before, placemats, so we are a good match, too.  I love this mug rug, all the colors of the rainbow, which everyone knows I love and my nickname and a great black and white binding along with perfect sewing- another big hit!  Thank you, Sudi-Laura, aka isaacsmama!

 And, I am so spoiled- 2 of my swappy friends sent me mug rugs just because I had admired them so loudly!  Spiced Coffee sent me one that commemorates the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Rabbit.  Isn't it great?  I have in on my desk, it looks wonderful in the office.  See how it goes with the rug (that needs to be vacuumed)?  Perfect!  I love it, and she sent me more of the cool fabric and some hula girl fabric, too!  I feel so rich!  Look at the embroidered bun-bun!

 And, I received this from my buddy, Kimmie- because I threatened to cry if it didn't come to me!  lol  (That worked great, I'll use that line again!)  Seriously, Kimmie and I goof around a lot together on Flickr, pretending that we don't like each other, but I think it's obvious now- she can't help it, she loves me.  :)    She also sent me a great snap bag and a cool, bright tin full of stick-on shapes, very fun package to open! 

I just have to say that I appreciate everything that people send to me, I'm just not very good at blogging about it in a timely fashion!  I have more to show, too, something I can drink copious amounts of wine out of!  :)  I'll save that for another day, though.  Thanks to all my swappy buddies, you're all so good to me and I know it!


  1. that pirate chest pin cushion is awesome. wow. fun gifties!!!!

  2. Heh heh. Jo let me in on the secret that the treasure chest was for you when I admired it! I thought her little bit of misdirection was hilarious and knew you'd just adore the finished wonderfulness. Jo is a total sweetie (she's teaching me to handquilt in a few weeks!) not to mention a total smartarse when it comes to crafting! She knows I love her though, I am just a pretty shade of green. *g*

  3. What wonderful gifts! The pirate chest is amazing!

  4. Thanks so much for all the love Sooz! (and you too Lynz - though I thought we were going to use the term 'clever clogs' from now on, eh? tut tut *g*). You are a lucky girl, getting all those fabby mug rugs, especially Marilyn's! It is so nice to make something for somebody who REALLY appreciates it! So thank you!

  5. OMG....I would say you're a spoiled brat!!!!!! However I know you're just as talented as all the gift givers are!!!!! Congrats on all your loot! They are all super duper nice just like you are! That pirate quilt is too cute and absolutely goes very well with your treasure chest pincushion. I think you did a tremendous job on yours as well, I just love the tower with the wisteria growing up it. Cograts again I know you deserve it!

  6. Hola Susan!
    Que bonitos trabajos.
    Saludos de Eva y Lorena desde Cantabria - Spain

  7. Hi!

    You have got a very nice blog!
    I am a hungarian patchwork blogger, if you have a little time, please look at my blog here:

    Best wishes: Ágota


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