Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fantastical Flight for Max.....

 This is the mini quilt I made for my partner for the Mini QT swap- it's called "Fantastical Flight" and it's totally taken from the artwork of  Cecelia Rebora.  I changed a few minor things and added a couple of things in hopes of not offending the artist too much, but when I saw this, I knew I had to do it in fabric for Max.  It just seemed like him!  We had been chatting about dragons and he likes space flight and Star Wars and red and black and this was too perfect.  I added a moon and changed the wing and the houses just a bit, but there's no way I can take credit for more than the actual putting it together.  :)

 The back- it's aMAZ(e)ing!  LOL

 I used glow-in-the-dark filament on the front between the moon and the dragon's tail to spell out his name in french knots.  They don't shine as nicely as I had hoped they would, in the dark, but they are there if he looks fast when he turns out his light at night!

I had fun making this for my new friend, Max.  And I certainly love what he made me, see the earlier post of yesterday for that.  :)


  1. That has to be one of my all time favorites that you've done, Susan. I adore's right up there with the "Hedgehogs kite flying contest" one you did not too long ago. I'm always anxious to see what you will come up with next. One is cuter than the next.

  2. very nice! what a lucky partner in your swap.

  3. You are a true inspiration............Thanks for sharing

  4. Really really cute. you did excellent!


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