Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nag, nag, nag...... and a rant.

So you're tired of looking at ornaments, eh?  Fine, look at this instead while I listen to my husband shovel snow and call his idiot dog who has learned how to climb over our fence and took herself off for another romp in the woods, chasing deer and turkeys.  I swear, she's worthless and I'm not getting any fonder of her the longer she's here.  If someone has to tell me 20 times a day that she's a good dog, it makes me wonder who the heck he's trying to convince, me or himself?  Yeah, she's good.  Good at grabbing at you with her teeth, snapping at you when you reprimand her, good at climbing fences and standing up on her back legs with her front ones on the kitchen counter.  She's good at climbing OVER the other dogs to be the first one out and she's good at shrieking for an hour if you let her.   She can eat a bowl of food in about 4 seconds and then she just wants more.  This dog has issues and I am not real happy with her here.  She's disrupted the whole house and I wish he'd never had that chip put into her.  I keep telling her if she runs off again, don't bother coming back.  But she always does, dammit. 

  I want to love this dog, but I don't.  I love the other dogs and all of the cats, but this dog is a sociopath, just like his black dog that died a couple of years ago.  It's the same dog in a different color.  Not lovable.  Annoying, stubborn and bullheaded.   We both call her "him" all the time because there isn't anything feminine or dainty about Quigley.  And Mr. Softie who usually has nothing but good to say about her is actually contemplating a shock collar.  Like the remote for the TV, I want to hold onto the remote for a shock collar, too.  Heh.
Thanks for letting me rant.

 OK, onto happier things that might convince you that I'm not really a monster- A mug rug for my partner in the swap.  I made this yesterday and last nights snowfall made for a really pretty backdrop.  This is the chair on my little balcony off the sewing room.  I won't be sitting out there for a while!

 Hopefully my partner will like it.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  Red and aqua are so pretty together and such a popular color combo these days.  On the back are a slew of little hedgehogs.  Now I'm busy making more bitty blocks and contemplating what I shall make for my new partner in the doll quilt swap.  I'm thinking of doing something in a rainbow village type setting.  Like this- blue sky at the top, turning into purple mountains, a red/orange/yellow village and then greens at the bottom.  All the colors of the rainbow.  Hopefully I can pull it off.  I'll probably do most of it with raw edged applique and just piece the turquoise stars in the sky.  We'll see!  At least I have an idea, that's a relief!


  1. You are hilarious!

    I love your little mini, and the snow looks much better there than here. (too much here to appreciate it at all)

    Where did you get your labels? I am just starting to try to find some...

  2. Bwhahahahaaaaa...too funny!;)

    Love the mug are just an artist with fabric. I gotta get with the FMQ stuff!:)

  3. Love the mug rug and wish I was your partner. You are doing such gorgeous things lately.....actually not just lately, come to think of it! Wow! (Like always!)

  4. hahaha...I think I know that dog!!! That such a pretty mug rug. I can't wait to see that mini quilt design all made up...that has awesome promise!

  5. you poor thing, sounds like these dog troubles are really getting you down :(
    You rant as much as you like, it's your blog!
    Very pretty mug rug and a really interesting DQS idea!

  6. You put the chip in her- you are screwed. You could take for a long drive in the woods and still have her come back. I'm just kidding. I'd call caesar right away. Get that dog a job. the puppy backpack is great because they carry it around and wears them out. Nothing worse for the household then a member who is not behaving whether they have fur or not.
    You can do it!!!!!

  7. Ahaha! I think I'd (want to) BEAT that dog...

    Your aqua chair is gorgeous, as is your mug rug!

  8. That's what I was going to say...the aqua chair is cool & your mug rug is pretty awesome. Your partner will love it!

  9. You or your husband could take the dog to obedience school and with good behavior, I bet you would learn to love it.

  10. Your mug rug is beautiful! And I do not judge you at all for wanting to put a shock collar on your dog. Some days, it seems like a good idea to put a shock collar on my KIDS!

  11. Wellll...once we lived next door to a dog like this, not only the personality style, but the same breed). I'm pretty sure there's a diagnosis that fits this pattern... it's ADHD! TRUST ME! I'M A DOCTOR! LOL

  12. I've known many dogs like that. I've had my share. I think the shock collar is a great way to train them, if you are willing to put out that amount of money for a worthless dog. sorry about the chip. Not all dogs are wonderful like some people seem to think. believe me, I lived next door to 9 dogs, count them NINE. None trained, but they all barked. a LOT. we used to own dogs, but after having nine next door, we got pretty soured on anything canine. So when ours died of natural deaths, we didn't replace them. attrition.
    Just found your blog through mamacjt. Your quilts look so darling.


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