Sunday, December 5, 2010

All Presents and Accounted For... Mug Rug!

This is what I sent to my partner in the mug rug swap- A stack of presents with labels that spelled out her daughter's name- her daughter was born last year right before Christmas and Angela (Tweedledee Designs) says she was the best present ever.  So the little red present on the left hand side-

is actually a cover for a window that holds a photograph of said adorable child!  Here she is in her Halloween costume, but I'm sure Angela will get a more Christmasy photo to put here.  :) Making this was fun but I darn near melted that plastic a half-dozen times.  Phew.  I sure didn't want to have to pick that part out and re-do it, in my experience it's never as nice if it's fixed.

Bad enough that the stripes of words on the back got off-kilter and looks like crap!  I sent it anyway and Angela is nice enough to say that she loves the wonk.  

As a consolation, I sent her these 2 mug rugs also.  Myrtle and Myron, decorating the tree.  She also got an ornament for the tree that will hold another photo, a couple of drink mixes and a crap caddy pattern.  :)

                                   Parker and Gravey playing in the messy desk.  Got yer tail!

And some bird blocks I did for our itty bitty block swap group- these are 3.5" square.  

And the same for our rainbow blocks- 3.5", I traced off 7 circles on fusible backing paper, fused them to 7 different fabrics, cut them into 7 wedges and then fused the little wedges into a circle shape to make 7 blocks of rainbow wedges.  (I did this twice to get 14 blocks.  Actually, I did it 4 times to make 28 because I screwed up and sewed the first 14 with black thread, as you can see on the bottom row and my husband gave me a big thumbs down on that, so I redid them all.)  This was the idea of my friend Ruthie, to make my block like my Flickr icon, which is a mini photo of the ticker tape color wheel that I made.  I think these came out super cute, once redone.

Now I'm busy working on another set of different birds for the other group and then I have some special order sewing caddies to make for someone.  That's next on my list of things to do.  Busy, busy!  Hope everyone is staying busy, too, but aren't stressing out! 


  1. those presents are wonderful and so sweetly personalized. Hey, I love the wonk on the back (not to mention the blah blah blah is so funny). those kitties is adorable!

  2. Those birds are the cutest things EVER!!! Love them! And the color wheels are awesome, too.

  3. The faces on your birds cracked me up. Just by moving the eyes you have created such a range of expressions. Love em! So enjoyed joining in my
    1st rug mug swap. Long may they continue.
    Valery Anne.

  4. I love the presents. The blah,blah made me laugh-I didn't realise it was off kilter.
    The birds are great-love the expressions on their faces.
    Parker and Gravey look like they are having fun.

  5. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Love the gifts you made!

  6. Beautiful work! I am especially fond of the birds, squirrel, & hedgehog. I can see from your creations that you have a humorously skewed view of the world much like my own. I love it! Wish I had patterns for them.

  7. I just saw your bird blocks on Pinterest...they are sooo cute, where did you get the pattern please?


  8. Where did you get the birds pattern?


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