So 2 weeks ago he brings home Quigley, the yellow lab pup. One week later she was spayed and 2 shotgun pellets were removed. While we were at the vet's picking Q back up, I spotted a calico kitten in a pen, needing a home. Well, 8 years ago, nearly to the day, we had our calico, Tess, put to sleep. We loved that cranky girl! This little girl was so sweet and affectionate and darling, I fell in love with her, too. Mr. Meany said "NO, no way, no how, we don't need a 5th cat!" Oh, fine. He can find and bring home big ass dogs, but I can't have a puny little kitten that was abandoned and found in a cemetery? No fair! I groused about it all weekend but then I got over it and resigned myself to dealing with the current chaos.
Quigley's stitches didn't look so great on Tuedsay morning, so he took her in while I took a nap, I'd been up since 3 AM because of HIS new dog and her licking and carrying on. Grrr. I slept from 7 until nearly 10, got up, had some cold coffee and then he got home. When I asked him what they said at the vet he said they had said congratulations. HUH? For what? And he turned around and opened his jacket. "Congrats, you're a new mom!" lol

Holy cow, that's the last thing I expected! I was stunned. This is his MO, though, I should learn it. Last year I wanted Nosey Parker and he said no until he spent some time in the waiting room with her a few days later. Boom, we had a little white kitten! Same thing this time- he said no and then relented. What a nice man I'm married to!
Isn't she precious? Since she was found in a cemetery, we named her Gravey. lol A friend of mine thought that up, she who shall be called "Auntie Jodi" from here on out.

Looking out the window, it's a big scary world out there! I love the little chubby phase she's in right now.

"Lady? You're not gonna make me wear that collar thing are ya?" (She doesn't really know me as Mom, yet.)
It's like "Where's Waldo?" only different- in her cat bed.
We're having lots of fun with her. Nosey Parker is actually handling this a lot better than I thought she would, they play together upstairs and you would think there was a herd of wild buffalo up there, the way they run and crash and make all sorts of noise! The other 3 cats, all boys, are withholding judgement for now, but I think one will come around and the other 2 will disregard her entirely.
So, it's officially nuts around here, but we're getting lots of laughs out of it. :) And Quigley is healing nicely now and learning the ways of our schedules and settling in. Still a little too crazy and exuberant, though, but what can I expect, she's a pup. A big 40 pound pup. lol

We're having lots of fun with her. Nosey Parker is actually handling this a lot better than I thought she would, they play together upstairs and you would think there was a herd of wild buffalo up there, the way they run and crash and make all sorts of noise! The other 3 cats, all boys, are withholding judgement for now, but I think one will come around and the other 2 will disregard her entirely.
So, it's officially nuts around here, but we're getting lots of laughs out of it. :) And Quigley is healing nicely now and learning the ways of our schedules and settling in. Still a little too crazy and exuberant, though, but what can I expect, she's a pup. A big 40 pound pup. lol
Oh my, but she is gorgeous!!!! Glad you are a new mom.
Wow! And I thought I used to have lots of work with two kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats and one dumb gerbil! My hats off to you, girl!
I have no idea how you get so much done... you have a very busy house!
So funny! I feel for you and your furry chaos. It is the best kind of fun though!
She's pretty! I'm glad she found you.
Hmm. Your updates aren't showing in my reader and I've missed all the Quigley excitement! Stupid computer. *grumbles* Gorgeous pup, though!
That is an adorable wee kittie!! And I very much approve of her name - that happens to be my Spouse's nickname from childhood, Gravey! For similar boneyard reasons (although I've never met anyone willing to tell me why - they have all conveniently forgotten. Shyeah, right!) Holly has totally gone gooey eyed and we've just had to go looking for more cat photos, she can't believe yu have FIVE!! That's a rapidly expanding family you have!!
Whee, cute kitty pie so glad she's fitting in and playing with NP. Q had shotgun pellets? someone out there is a real jerk!
Aaaah, she is very cute! What a lovely husband you have! Now you will have to change your header pic in one of the two of them! Quick... go get the camera! lol!
She is a cutie for sure! I love the pictures and I can't wait for the shots of her and NP. You and DH are two of the nicest people! Your furry family is something to behold. I know you are one busy lady; thanks for updating your blog and showing us pictures of your new baby.
Congratulations! You DO have a GEM of a hubby!
Your hubby sounds like mine! Congratulations, watch out you'll catch up to me, 6 kitties...Gravey is a beautiful little girl.
Oh, so cute! Gravey's one lucky kitty!!(And so are you, such a nice hubby! I bet he's lucky to have you too!!!)
What a darling kitty.
And quigley...well who wouldn't love him?
I have a friend you would love, Susan.
Her name is Charlene and she works with rescue animals all the time. We have fostered (short timers) for her before and she is truly dedicated to animals and their welfare. You two should meet!
...this is Lori from Utah using her daughter's Google account....
No, Lori, NO! My animals don't accept the new ones too readily.... rescue animals would be too upsetting, but I do admire those who can do it.
Thanks everyone for the kitty and puppy love! lol It's going well enough but one cat will only come in at night when it's quiet, poor little guy! He's traumatized by it all.
She's cuter than CUTE!!!!! I'm so glad she and NP are getting along.
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