Saturday, November 21, 2009

2nd Place Winner in Giveaway!

I'm a complete idiot, I had totally forgotten that I had decided to give one of these littler caddies away as a 2nd place prize. I must have thought it up during the night and then forgotten all about it, because all week I was pushing myself to make you a little 2nd place something and I HAD these all along! The photo is just a sample one, there are 4 languishing in the shop and the 2nd place winner can choose whichever one she wants. I gotta tell you, I have one of these next to my sewing machine, in a big chunky goblet and I just love it, I use it all the time and it saves me a lot of time and scrounging up of bits because they're all organized in my wild colored one.

So- since the little white random number generator is outside playing in the damp cold, I had to resort to a normal one. And our winner is.....

NUMBER 22- LynneS of Oz! I am sure we also know her as Natiel3, right???

Congrats, Lynne! Pop into my shop, linked above, and tell me which one of the 4 coffee mug organizers you would like. (I apologize for sending you to the shop, but I don't have these photos saved anymore and I tried to cop 'em back and it's giving me fits! I give up!)

Sorry I'm such a doofus, people! I meant to do this yesterday, sort of. lol


  1. You are very generous and what a nice prize!

  2. Me? *jumps up and down and squeals and claps hands with glee* Me?
    Thanks, Sooz! Oh decisions, decisions - they are so pretty! And given the way things just walk around here, useful too.
    Can I have this one, turquoise parrots with pink please?

  3. Yes, you may, Lynne!

    Thanks, Karen. You're sweet to say so.

    Lynne- please email me your current address so I can get this to you! (I want you to know, this is my favorite fabric, I have all sorts of things made up out of it in my sewing room and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.)

    I hope you enjoy it and be sure to try it in a goblet, I really like mine like that, up higher. Fits perfectly, too!

  4. You are so nice Susan; I think I might have to do some shopping at your Esty store!! Of course I only know ONE person who would truly love and treasure a gift from you. I'm just sayin', I don't know too many quilters. ~LOL~ Lucky ME huh?



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