Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Zigzag quilts in progress....

Made with 5" blocks of fabric, sewn and cut and pressed into 5" half-square triangle blocks. I'm doing 2 different ones to go on the foot of our bed where the cats spend a lot of time sleeping. This will be easier than doing one long one and having to wash the whole thing even if only a bit of it is dirty.
The first one- these fabrics coordinate with our bedding.
And the second one- I could have done it like this-

but I didn't really like it. So I changed it to this- This I LOVE! I added more green and a bit more turquoise and got rid of the pale lavenders that didn't show up at all. Somehow it all worked out just right.

I did have some help, though!

She certainly keeps things interesting around here. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of sewing to do! Blocks into rows, rows into quilts, corners and points to match, oy! Maybe I'll go make my mother a purse instead! Why do today I can put off until tomorrow? Right? RIGHT.


  1. Hey, it's me Zipper_Tx and I love love love the third one down, good job missy lol.

  2. Hi Susan! I'm getting all caught up on your blog and am thoroughly enjoying all of your posts! You'd never know it from all of my posts about our crazy broken puppy, but I am a cat lover at heart and I'm just in love with Nosey Parker. :)

  3. Ugh, I'm having trouble figure out how to comment here.
    I like the zig zag, but love the diamonds - very nice job.
    The palette reminds me of the pillow cases you made for your Mum.

    NP is a doll - that shot is great!


  4. Oh gosh! I love all three designs and the colors are perfect. I bet Nosey thinks they are all hers. :o)

  5. Thanks, everybody! I love all your comments.

    Hiya, Zipper! Nice to see you, glad you like it, I am totally smitten with it, too.

    Steph- thanks! I'm more of a cat person too, they are easier for me to deal with, less demanding of precious sewing time, and I love their goofy antics, they crack us up all the time. And a kitten- well- all kittens are great and funny, but we just love her little busy personality to bits.

    Good eye, Spicey! The pillowcases are the same fabrics as the quilts, with a few more thrown in. You are very shmart! (and it took me a long time to figure out how to post comments, too. I ended up making a google profile and that helped a lot. You can add a photo of yourself or something to help ID you, too. THAT took me forever to figure out, I was in the wrong place and wondered why my photo never showed up.)

    She does, MaryAnn, she thinks the whole world is her oyster. She just doesn't know what an oyster IS yet. lolol Thanks much for stopping by! Hope you are feeling well, I must go check you out!

  6. I love, love, LOVE how you reconfigured the quilt to those blocks with the zig-zaggy in between. It's so much easier on the eyes and just looks terrific. I love your color choices too. And of course, we can never see too much of Ms. Parker! Tell us, did she pounce on your hand right after you snapped that picture? Cause it looks like she's about to! LOL

    Hi Spicey! Hi Zipper! Good to see you. Spicey, it took me a while to figure out how to post too. I signed up on Google and now it's easy....er! LOL

  7. These will be beautiful!!! The reconfiguring reminded me of what I had to do with my bro's quilt -- it's amazing how many patterns you can make out of half-square triangles

    And I LOVE that photo of NP! I can really imagine the fun playtime you two were having together!!!


I LOVE comments, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one but I also understand if you don't. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day, I know! I try to respond by email to comments and questions. You can reach me at flossieblossoms at yahoo dot com