Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just to let you know about a giveaway.....

Taiya at A Cargo of Joy is having a lovely giveaway! If you'd like a chance at some nice Figgy Pudding fabric, here's your chance. I think it's so nice when people do this. I'm going to have to do one as soon as I build up some readership, I would like to give a chance to several peeps to return the favor somehow.


  1. Thanks for posting about my giveaway and for stopping by my blog. I think an ornament party sounds absolutely delightful!

  2. Hey! My name is pronounced Tay-yuh. Basically. You don't have to over pronounce the y in "Yuh" or anything. It's like the actress Tea Leoni? Have you heard her name? :D

  3. Yep, I have! I love her, she's so funny.

    Now that's cleared up, what else can I wonder about? lol Thanks much, Taiya!


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