Friday, July 31, 2009

A giveway worth trying for at Badland Quilts!

Karen at Badland Quilts is doing a sweet giveaway- a Soiree Honeybun! If you scoot over there, you can have a shot at winning it, too. Her blog is really nice, so become a follower, you'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting on my giveway!

    I read your diatribe on fabric availability & cost... One of my favorite places to watch is This was my favorite store when we lived in the Houston area. If you watch sometimes you can catch a good group right when it goes on sale (which is to half off right away) and get a lot of the coordinates. Only this is it is a 1 yard min so you do end up with a lot...but the price is nice!


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