Friday, May 1, 2009

Some close ups...

The tiles are about 3.5" high, and about 2.25" wide. I had a lot of fun finding things to put on the right letters, it was a challenge. My husband helped a lot, though, he comes up with some good ideas. Had to drag out the dictionary, too, because some of the letters were hard. A- What did we do at the beach house that started with an A? Not a lot, as it turns out!
I made 2 of these boards, one to keep and one to give. I have a hard time parting with things I've spent a lot of time on, so I always make 2 if I can.


  1. Love your colorful blog! I see you enjoy working on small things.....I do, too. I can hook a rug, but I'm more likely to hook a Christmas ornament or a coaster. Anyway, Flossie Blossoms (such a cute name) has been Bookmarked....

  2. Thanks, Susan! I don't really know why, but I've always like little things, little boxes, little dolls, little things with hiding spaces/aka hidey-holes in them..... I wonder what that means about us?


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