Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bizbee- more photos- and one bitty block.....

 This is what I love about kitten-hood- the sheer cuteness of it all!  Look at that tum-tum, wouldja?  Do you want to smooch it?  I do! 

 And the kid looks pretty darn good on a quilt, too! 

 He was glued to his daddy today, every time I looked, he had Jim pinned down.

 Talking to his sister this morning..... "you talk, I'll wash!"

 And I'm sure I'll hear this later- "MOOOOooo...M!  Our food tastes funny!"  lol

 Beeswax is trying to ignore all of it.  :)  He's my handsome man.

 Our clematis was spectacular this year, and Nosey Parker sets it off nicely!

 Big drink from the birdbath.  She is adjusting nicely to the baby, I think she likes having someone active to play with.  They chase each other a lot.  Gravey is a little harder to convince, but she's getting there.  No bloodshed anyway!  Just a little growling, but a lot of curiousity.

 And I only joined one group swap this month for bitty blocks- the theme was Asian, and I made koi. 

I made these 2 bitty blocks for the bee I'm in- Krista requested vessels...

 I modeled the carafe after my favorite one that we use for iced tea, all the time.


 I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!  We are having gorgeous weather, open windows, blankets at night, woo!


  1. Your weather sounds wonderful. We're hitting mid 90's today.

    Love your kitties!

  2. He looks like our Morris..... who is just a year old..... same polka dotted tummy.....
    and yes...he's smoochable....and gets smooched ALL the time.....
    could be twins....
    he likes helping with the sewing too...

  3. This little boys belly´- he´s soo cute!
    We´re having rain roday and a little colder - well - it´s just Sunday, my sister is coming for a visit .. sun would have been nice as my water lily does not show up when it is not sunny :(
    Have a nice Sunday!!

  4. Well, how on earth did I miss your new addition?!?! What a cutie! And just what you need - more of a menagerie. *g* You are such softies, I love it. You still got that bonkers dog?

    I can't decide what I love more, the koi or the seahorse carafe! You're such a talented lady - makes me sick. Heh heh.

  5. I adore spotted bellies and this one just makes me want to come have a cuddle. Good to hear they are getting along fairly well.

  6. Congrats on the new kitty! Lovely post!

  7. nice post thanks for sharing...looking for to visit more...blessings


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