Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bitty Birthday Bonanza! What a surprise!

 Yesterday was my birthday and I got the most wonderful surprises in the mail!  I received quite a few cards from friends and relatives, which was lovely.  Unbeknownst to me, my friend Kimmie at Flickr organized a bunch of mostly bitty blockers to each make me a birthday bitty.  She had them all send them to her and then she put together a box and mailed them to me, along with one other box from another, so 2 boxes.  Her timing was perfect as the 2nd box arrived on the exact right day and I had saved the first one to open on my birthday because I am a good girl like that, no matter what you think! 

I couldn't believe it when all the stuff started being revealed from inside the boxes!

 I've labeled each block as to who made it, at Flickr, on my photostream, if you're interested in knowing. 

 I was stunned, shocked, thrilled, giddy and all sorts of good things, I never expected this or dreamed it would happen, it was such a fun surprise!  I also got a lot of lovely notes and cards and even some other gifts!

 This is an overview of all the loot! Fat quarters of fabric, a pincushion that looks like a Frankenstein mouse, a Twisted sticker, rainbow star stickers, birthday candle glasses, happy birthday beads, a Rosie the Rotary Cutter panel, printed twill tapes, a tiny purse change purse, magnets, ribbons, mints, candy, jacks, even dried LARVAE or worms, but it's OK, they're BBQ flavored.  No, I won't be eating them!  Ew!  That Kimmie!  I just loved everything, except for the worms!  LOL

 And some close-ups.....

 So much fun stuff, I couldn't believe it all. 

 I can't believe the generosity of all my friends!

I had a great day, a very busy one.  I drove to town and got a haircut, then I went to a laundromat and washed and dried 2 comforters and 2 shams, (I had the place to myself, it was peaceful and different and I got to read my book), went to the library and got more books, saw my parents where my mother deadpanned "you know you're a senior citizen now.", much to my horror.  55 is a senior citizen, really?  Crap!

Then I went to the grocery and got some things and came home for a late lunch, Greek Salad.  We had fun with all the mystery stuff in the boxes in the afternoon and had a nice London Broil and salad for dinner, topped off with strawberry shortcake for dessert.  What a great birthday!

Many many thanks to all my friends and family for making it such a fun, memorable one! 


  1. Happy Birthday to lucky you to have such wonderful friends and such a nice suprise

  2. Hurray for you.

    Do not assume that Sr. Citizen is a bad thing. It really means privileged. You can now get discounts at many restaraunts and department stores; play the "little old lady" card and ask outlandish questions when you are really just being nosy; and butt in line at the DMV. You can also conveniently forget stuff....memory is the first thing to don't have to tell people that your memory is just fine.

    PS. I'm right behind you. We could be siblings.

  3. Wait until you hit 65 like me. The world is discounted and all you have to do is ask! lol So glad I was included in your special celebration! You deserve every bit of this plus more!! Happy Birthday, my friend!

  4. Happy Birthday Sooz! No one deserves two fun birthday boxes more than you! Old or not! Don't knock the senior at 55 thing. You get to go around saying that you're an old person and everyone will respond with how young you are! It'll be great, you'll see. You'll really feel young when you ask for the senior discount and they want to see your ID to prove you are a senior. And we thought we'd never be carded again! Enjoy being carded again while you can. Eventually they will stop carding you "again"!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday!! It sounds like you had a GREAT day, with lots of FUN gifts!!:D

  6. Happy happy happy Birthday, Sooz!!
    You deserve all the happiness of the world!!
    And a far far away huge hug from your brazilian friend!!!

  7. Happy Birthday, I am a bit late, but so glad you had a wonderful birthday, you deserve it. You are such a giving person, its nice to see you on the receiving end.

  8. What a wonderful surprise for you! Thank you for sharing your gifts!


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