Friday, April 6, 2012

Timmmmmberrrrrrrrr! And some bitties, of course!

 We've been having some timber taken off our property and as kind of a favor, they agreed to take an old, messy sycamore down that was too big for my husband to handle alone.  If it fell the wrong way, it could damage our fence so we left it in their capable hands.  Ahem. 

 Click on this 3rd photo for a close-up.  LOL  Poor wood pile!  It could have been worse, but I know they were embarrassed because I picked THIS tree to photograph the removal of, instead of any other tree that I'm sure fell right where they wanted it to.  :)

 The bitty block theme was black/white/and a bit of a bright.  I picked orange.  The only orange in these blocks is the 3D tea bag tag.  Orange Pekoe, anyone?  :)  These blocks measure 3.5" square.  I paper pieced these from this pattern I found on the internet, by Piece By Number,  and reduced it to a tiny 2.25" or so. 

 The other theme was birdhouses.  I made a little leaning birdhouse, bright fun colors.  This one is raw-edged applique which I find much faster for me to do than paper-piecing!  I waste less fabric, too.   I also just found out that using a size 60 needle in the machine leaves cleaner edges on the fabric that is being appliqued!  Tiny needle, tiny holes, no raggedy bits!

 And for the bitty bee swap that I'm in, that has bees for the theme this month, this is the 2nd block I made- a skep on a platform.  I had to use this cute lime green bee fabric that I've been hoarding forever. 

That's it from here, Jim is outside cutting up the remains of that sycamore and getting his wood pile back to order.  I'm going upstairs to sew!  Everybody have a great day, spring is just the BEST time of year, pollen be darned! 


  1. I never thought about a smaller needle!! Smart thinking!

  2. I think the woodpile is probably the lesser of many evils but still not where they thought it would land :) As always, I love your bitties, particularly the birdhouses.

  3. Love it when the tree surgeons up, that noise of trees falling is something you will never forget. Love your bitties, must get back to making them again.


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