Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DQS 11 ideas.... Wheel of Fortune

We're starting a new doll quilt swap, round 11.  We've changed the rules a little for this round.  A more traditional quilt is required this time, one that is more like a miniature of a full sized bed quilt, not an art quilt.  So this means- teeny, tiny piecing!  Good thing I recently learned how to paper-piece!  That's when you sew your fabrics to a paper foundation, using the lines that are on the paper to guide you.  I did my wonky stars using that method and it was great practice, so now  I'm going to attempt to make a Wheel of Fortune miniature quilt.  It's similar to a spiderweb quilt, like I did a couple of rounds ago.  After stalking my partner and learning a bit about her, I think that she'll like this if I do it up in white with scrappy bits of pink and orange and red.  If she doesn't, maybe I'll have to keep it!  I think I'm going to like it a lot.  :)

On the personal front, it's been hotter than heck here, over 100º every day for the last few weeks and no rain, just scorching hot and still humid, go figure.  Finally, today, we're getting a few drops of rain, I hope it's enough to revive the drooping bushes and thirsty trees and parched grass.  NW Arkansas is a beautiful place but we typically have dry summers and when we get rain in July, it's such a treat!

All the cats are fine, they lay around most of the day and night, because it's just too hot to do anything.  The hummingbirds are eating like crazy, but have slacked off the last couple of days so I suspect they're sitting on their second nest of eggs right now.  We have 4 big feeders out and I was filling them every day, but now I can actually go 2 days!  So that little break for me is nice. 

I hope you're all having a nice summer!


  1. I sure am anxious to see this quilt finished. I bet it will be a real beauty!

  2. That will be one gorgeous little quiltie--I'm sure your partner would love it!

  3. I like it.

    I made one awhile back with 30's prints. I'd suggest staying away from little prints when working this small. The proportions get muddy.

    This would gorgious in watery pink batiks!

    Can't wait to see the results.

  4. Love this, must go and search flickr to see if you have progressed any further...... love it


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