Thursday, June 16, 2011

No, She Doesn't Worship Me, It Just Looks That Way!

Nosey Parker spends a lot of time outside these days and it's really hard to get photos of her when she's on the move all the time.  Tonight, though- she's parked herself on the bed and she's loving our new "quilt" from Target.  *Did a dozen of you just faint and fall over?  TARGET?  A store-bought quilt?  Yes, we needed something new and we needed it now.  I've shopped for weeks and the only thing I found that I liked was at Target, and it was faster than me making a king sized quilt that wouldn't even fit in our washing machine later.  So hush- I like it and I couldn't make anything for the $80 this cost.  End of disclaimer. *  ;)

Anyway, Parker hasn't budged since we put on clean sheets and this quilt- she's hogging the bed and having the best pre-nap nap.  :)  That's what my mum calls a nap before nap time.  She is still as cute as ever and is even wearing a matching purple collar, not that you can see it...  She still occasionally comes to me in the middle of the night and asks for a cuddle.  She stomps around on me until we both find her just the right position and she throws herself down and then we snuggle for an hour or two and I whisper in her ears and she gets all wiggly and cuddly and purrs and slobbers on me, it's so adorable and makes me feel good.  Used to be every night, but now it's just once a week or so, which is better for my sleep. 

 Gravey is usually asleep on her daddy's ankles.  He loves that.  Gravey is funny, you can move around all you want, once she stakes a claim to a spot, she won't move all night.  Not so with Parker, if you mess with her, she's out of there, she has 10 other places she likes to sleep in our room.

And there you have your Nosey Parker Unusual Sleeping Position of the Day.  :)


  1. Sooo cute! Looks like she wanted to maximize the place she can lie on with her body. But how can she breath with her nose stuck between her legs? ;o)

  2. aawww...she looks like yoga cat!!!

  3. SO Cute! I think she's ready for her Kitty Yoga video on You Tube...just a long shot of this pose, maybe with some purring sound effects! I know she'd get lots of fans! :D

    Our cat Juniper is like Gravey- once she's found her spot down by our feet, there is no way to move her!

  4. Hi Susan - thanks for updating your blog - blogger now lets me post so I can tell you how adorable NP is in that post!!

  5. Love these pictures. I have 2 babies in the house, both with very unique personalities. But my "little man" (who is not so little) is my snuggle bunny. Every night he hits the bed, spoons me right in my chest, head up under my chin. Of course we have to have the traditional turns before we settle down. I call him my original electric blanket in the winter, but I have a hard time going to sleep if he is not there. Love your blog, became a follower.

  6. oh my gosh, she's adorable, Susan!! I want to squeeze her! And that's totally understandable about the quilt! $80 for something that would take a heap of your time to make and way more than that for materials is a good thing.

  7. We got some egyptian cotton sheets on deep discount, and when we put them on the bed, ALL the animals were rolling around and sighing LOL. About Nosey Parker, I just have one thing to say. "Namaste!".


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