Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rainbow Village, the doll quilt....

I don't know what I would do without all my helpers.  Godzilla, aka Nosey Parker, wants to rid those houses of their antenna.  Monster!  I have been locking this quilt up for weeks to keep it safe at night!

I managed to finish it, though, finally, with a little time to spare.  I can't show you what is under the sun in case my partner is peeking in.  *wavies, hi there!* It spells something out, though, I'll show you after it's been received because it's a really cool effect and I copied it from my friend, Pam/Uberstitch, with her blessing.

Anyhoo, Rainbow Village.  It's not dull or boring, it's just as vibrant, I'm afraid, as it appears.  In retrospect, maybe it's too vibrant, but it's done and it is what it is.  I hope my partner doesn't get sick of it too soon.  I matched the binding to all the fabrics on the sides of the quilt, as nothing I had in my stash was auditioning quite right. 

The houses all have little metal plates sewn to the back and on the back of the quilt are little pockets with very strong magnets in them.  That makes the houses removable and interchangeable, so she can rearrange her houses any way she wants them.

In the pond- a small, subtle fountain. A vintage button plays the part of the sprayer.  Tulle netting tones down the white of the fishie fabric.

A rather ordinary label, name blocked out to protect the surprise.  I love the tiny house fabric for the backing.  I was lucky enough to stumble across that online a while back and knew it would come in handy!
I think she's going to like this, at least I hope she does.  I did have fun making it.  It turned out almost exactly like I had pictured it in my head and in the sketch, with a few changes. 


  1. Honestly! I am just in awe! In awe I tell you!

  2. Oh Sooz! I love this and you have one very, VERY lucky partner! I'm with Jewel in that I'm in awe!!

  3. what do you mean you're *afraid* it's really that vibrant? woohoo, it's vibrant and fabulous and fun. and if your swap partner doesn't like it, she can send it to me :-) love your Godzilla kitty. that would be fun to add to a houses quilt!

  4. SOOOOOOO cute! I love the fun of moving the houses around! You are amazing!!

  5. Too bright-never! I could think of nothing better to have as eye candy. It is absolutely awesome and I'm sure it will be well loved.
    You are so talented and as for Nosey Parker-heed all the advice she gives!!

  6. What a great quilt! I love how bright it is. I would love to live on that street!

  7. I really do love this quilt. I'm ready to move right into that long as my Took can come along to.

  8. This is awesome! I really love the 3D-effect!!

  9. Susan this is awesome I am so jealous I am not your partner! I love the idea of being able to move them around how cool is that! You did an ~~~~~Awesome JOB~~~~~ Hugs, Ellen

  10. Magnetic interchangeable houses?! Wow! Its amazing :)

  11. I think this is the cutest quilt I've ever seen - I LOVE IT!

  12. Another beauty with well deserved compliments from everywhere! I can't wait until your partner gets this and her reaction. I bet she will be "over the moon" with happiness.

  13. Well really, if she doesn't love this then she must be a freak (and can send it to me!!). You know I'm not big on the massive bright colours but this is totally RIGHT with all that saturation. And moveable houses? You're such a smartarse, Bum-girl. Really, where DO you get your ideas from!

    love Bozo. xox

    P.S. The matched binding is amazing!! Was it a total pain to do? Smooches to Parker (and Gravey!!)

  14. Wowie! That says it all! Great job Flossie!

  15. This is such an amazing quilt! You put so much thought and love in to it, who ever gets it will feel really privileged. And your cat is so cute!


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