Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doll Quilt Beginnings.... Mug Rug Ending ............. and something to keep!

 Murphy helped me pick out fabrics!  He voted against both of those blues, in the end.  I think he didn't like them being brighter than his blue eyes.  :)

 I'm going to make a village with a snow-capped purple mountain backdrop.  It's going to be a rainbow village, with the blue sky on top, going down to purples, then red, orange and yellow houses on a green grass yard with a small pond with a fountain.  There will be some things in the sky, probably a sun and a cloud or two and maybe a curving line of flying geese, in a rainbow of colors, that will get smaller as it gets farther away.  (For those of you who don't quilt, flying geese are triangles of fabric.)  I'm making the houses right now, that's my today project, getting them done. 

 It feels good to have gotten started on this and I hope my partner will like it.

 This is what I'm sending to my mug rug partner- 2 mug rugs, a scrap of hedgehog fabric, a chocolate bar, 2 cocoa mixes and 2 postcards of our area.  I think she'll be pleased. 

And here is something I made to keep.  3 birds on a wire, with butterflies.  I hung it on the wall in my craft room, inside the ironing board cabinet.  I'll see it a lot there.  :) I found the bird image on clipart so I don't have a pattern to sell or provide.


  1. Lovely rugs and wonderful goodies. Lucky partner!

  2. I just "stumbled" across your blog and just had to let you know that I LOVE those "3 Birds on a Wire"!!!! That came out so cute and I love the way you used the octogans to add to it! You do beautiful work.

  3. If you ever need a partner to send stuff to I am available! LOL if she doesn't I am going to go rob her house! LOL You do such cool stuff I am sure she is thrilled to get them!

    Remember me! :o) lol

  4. I know this is an old post, but I just want to say how cute your "Three Birds on a Wire" mugrug is and I was wondering if it would be alright if I pinned the photo to my sewing board on Pinterest.
    (supermomnocape at yahoo dot com)

  5. That 3 birds on the wire mug rug is absolutely adorable!!

  6. Love the 3 birds on a wire mug rug! Do you have a pattern for it?

  7. Colleen, please send me an email. flossieblossoms@yahoo.com

  8. I just came across this and would love to make one for each of my 2 friends at work. i'm wondering also if you have a pattern for this. thanks.

  9. Hello-- I just saw the beautiful birds on a wire mug rug on Pinterest-- I also would love to have a pattern so I can make one for myself. I'm not artistic and while in my head I can "see" how to create your lovely mug rug, it doesn't translate to my sewing machine! thank you so much for sharing your awesome work with the rest of us.


  10. I do not sell or provide a pattern for the birds on the wire, it was from a clipart image so it's not mine to sell or distribute. Google "bird on wire clipart". That's where I got it. I went from there.

  11. I do not sell or provide a pattern for the birds on the wire, it was from a clipart image so it's not mine to sell or distribute. Google "bird on wire clipart". That's where I got it. I went from there.


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