Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bitty Block Busyness! And a quilt swap completed....

The theme for February in the Bitty Block Committee was text/word or trees on a white background.  I had this cute cat/dog background fabric so I made cat and dog blocks.  

 The fabric was too perfect to not use!

 I tried two on this fabric but it was too finicky to make a dozen of- I was covering up the best parts of the kitties!  So I kept the one for me and I only had one to swap.  :)

 I knew I wanted to do spring trees and when they were done, they were too plain.  So I cleverly (I thought at the time) added a swing to each one.  Little did I know, so did a couple of the other swappers!  I'm not nearly as clever as I think.  My husband told me to add a tire swing, but I thought that was too boyish.  lol  I should have listened to him!  DON'T tell him I said that! 

 They came out pretty cute, though, I think.

 We're doing a side-swap too, of the "Out of Our Gourds" fruit and veggies- spoofing on famous people who have names similar to fruits and veggies!  Ones like "Ludwig von Beet-hoven"  and "Beety Boop", not to mention "The Grapeful Dead", "Lima Minelli", Pablo Pea-casso, etc.  :) 

I made Alexander the Grape. 

 We all had to make 14 of our guys/girls. 

I've got 2 more sets to finish- another set of trees and one of words.  They'll be done soon, just a little handwork left.   That'll make 62+ bitty blocks I've made this month.  Phew!  (I usually make a few extras for side-swaps or to keep for projects like you're about to see below.)

 I used one of my left over red bird bitty blocks and made this mug rug, but I suspect it'll end up on a wall instead of under a cuppa.  I love how it turned out.  I'm doing another one right now with one of my little kite-flying hedgies.  If this one is winter, the hedgie is spring.

 And I was in another swap, the theme was "Take Flight" and my 8 year old partner, Max, made me this wonderful "The Flight of the Rainbow Balloons" mini quilt.  I absolutely love it and I hung it up on the wall just the left of where I sew upstairs.  Every time I turn my head, I am delighted by it!  8 years old, can you believe it?  He's going places, that Max!  Such talent.  His mom is amazing, so I am sure he gets it from her.  You might know her- she goes by lolablueocean at Flickr.

 The back is wonderful, too, look at that great label!

I sent him a quilt of a dragon carrying a little boy over a castle town, in the night.  I think we were both pleased with our swap!  He's a great kid and I hope to swap with him again, but I know he's going to be in high demand!

So that's what I've been doing, along with making things for my shop.  I need to get those listed!  Off to the salt-mine!


  1. My taste is exactly what comes through your fingers. Just when I think you have topped yourself, there is something else to change my mind. Love the colors, textures and ....all of it.
    Keep warm, Toni

  2. Egads, Flossie - every time I think you've made something amazing, you go and top it again!


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