Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fair warning- removing a tutorial....

In about 3 days, I'm going to delete my tutorial for the sewing organizer/travel caddy. I've had shops asking for a pattern and I feel like if I'm going to be selling them, I should take away the free one in order to avoid possible confrontations in the future.

So if you haven't gotten to it yet, you might want to get all the info and measurements now, because by about Wednesday, the 7th, it's going to disappear. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I don't see any real way around this.

Thanks for understanding!


  1. Let us know when you have a pattern for sale. I teach in a quilt shop and this might be a great class. Thanks for sharing the free pattern and reminding me of it. I have had it on my list of things to make and I plan to move it up the list.

  2. Susan, you are such a darling, telling us this !
    Thanks for sharing !

  3. Hope you sell loads and loads. Right way to do it!!

  4. Thanks for sharing... best wishes! Have you thought about including the little clips/hardware with the pattern? (and of course charging more) I've actually been going to email you about those?

  5. You could make up precut kits like the quilt shops do and charge extra for all the cutting and everything you'd need to complete the project and sell those in your shop too. (Just a suggestion!)

  6. Hi Susan, I just found my way to your blog through a link to this tutorial- just in time by the looks of things! I saw that you're selling the pattern on Etsy, and was actually surprised that you're still offering it for free. Taking the tutorial down makes a lot of sense, especially as you've made the pattern available in your shop.

    It lo0oks like you've put a lot of care and effort into your pattern, so I'm sure youy'll be successful at your new venture! Best of British Luck, as they say (actually I'm not British but Australian :)


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