Friday, January 8, 2010

Sewing with selvages...

It's hard to get a good photo of a black cat, so you have to admire Sammie in this one. :) He's our little mutant kitty, he has a stubby tail and long fangs, the victim of horrible inbreeding from a bunch of wild cats over at Jim's mother's old house. We rescued him while he was young enough to get over his feral beginnings. He's a very sweet boy but he loses collars at a horrible rate!

I've been working on two different selvage projects. Here's one of them, I think it took me all of 5 minutes! I made a cat collar for Sammie out of a piece of selvage fabric from my last quilt, it looks pretty cute on him and if he gets it off this winter, maybe I'll be able to find it out in the drab woods/snow. See the selvage dots on his collar?

A better shot, but only slightly.

The other project should be done tonight or tomorrow, but all it is is a selvage quilt for the door to my wall-mounted ironing board. I had a piece of fabric in it that I just didn't really like. It was wrapped around the board that was originally in it, it was a tole painted thing from 20 years ago that I covered with fabric. Anyway, it was too thick and kept wanting to pop out of the frame so I thought I would quilt something to fill that space. Here's the before- it's the pink rectangle on the left. I just laid out selvage strips and sewed to them to a piece of Warm and Natural. I'm backing it with a piece of black and white fabric and machine quilting it right now. A little binding and some tacks and it'll be done. I'm excited. I'll see the selvage strips all the time because I rarely close this cabinet. The cover on the ironing board is black and white, too.

So that's what I've been working on. Stay tuned for a finished shot hopefully tomorrow.


  1. Isn't it fun to play with selvages. I am thinking of covering a piano bench that sits on the end of my bed with selvages.

  2. Your kitty looks like our black kitty! What a great idea for a selvage collar, really cute. Great project you are working on too!


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