Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Giveaway time! Sewing Organizer- Version 1.0.....

How would you like a chance to win the original sewing organizer I made? I used Kaffe Fassett materials for both the inside and the outside. Since I did actually USE it for a few days, I can't sell it on Etsy, but I can sure give it away! I've just washed it and it's in the dryer right now. It's just like new, you wouldn't ever know it wasn't if I hadn't told you. I mean, it's not like it's half-eaten or anything! rofl
If you'd like a chance to win this, just leave a comment on this post. You don't have to do anything else but you're certainly welcome to spread the word. And if you would like to make your own sewing organizer, I posted a tutorial this morning.
I'll pick a winner on Friday morning using a random generator that I call Nosey Parker. We'll figure out a way to have her pick the winner. :) Good luck!
This is my 4th post today, how odd. At this rate, I'll hit the hundred mark.... oh, tomorrow! lol


  1. Alright Nosey Parker. Take that little paw of yours and pick my name. You know you want to!

  2. I love it, thanks for the tutorial for it also!! And Nosey Parker no pick me!!!

  3. I love your tutorial on this one! Will def. be making one to keep my 3 cats and 2 kids out of my stuff!

  4. I'm not entering since I don't sew but what a great giveaway! You are just the best!!!

    Just think: A FlossieBlossom original! How cool!
    (can I use any more exclamation marks?!?!?!) LOL

  5. I love this little holder!! It is too cute!!

  6. Anything you have made would be a wondrous addition to my life!!
    Cause you make the coolest me pick me!

  7. Very pretty!! The colors are speaking to me - saying "wouldn't we look pretty on your sewing table?!"

  8. Flossie, I would LOVE to win something you made! And the fact that it's something so useful is just a bonus!!!! Nosey, in case you're reading this, I love kitties, especially CUTE ones such as yourself.....

  9. I would like to add that your tut was very, very good!
    Great pictures and easy to understand.
    You did good!!

  10. Oh my gosh! I love the tutorial and I am throwing in a few "toesy tickles" for sweet Nosey Parker. (I still love going back to the "high four" picture.) Anyway, thanks Flamey for giving us the directions special organizer...and of course all the great pictures of NP. ~LOL~


  11. As someone who is just beginning to sew, this would be great for me! Thanks so much!

  12. FInally made it onto your blog! (just short of time me...) And what a lovely read it makes too!

    Love your sewing organiser. And thanks for the tutorial. Love the colours!

  13. I don't want to enter either....big time non sewer, but I think it's really neat....may Nosey Parker pick with determination, lol...

  14. ATTENTION! I just got a call from FlossieBlossom and she is currently experiencing computer problems so the drawing for the beautiful Sewing Organizer will take place hopefully Sunday.

    Ms. Nosey Parker has been busy climbing trees and having to be rescued by her daddy so she is too 'xhausted to choose a name anyway. :-)

    Take heart though, since she's not able to be on the computer right now, she's busy snapping adorable pictures! Stay tuned........

  15. Ms. Flossie, great giveaway!! Yes please enter me also! (I am heydiddlewoolies on flikr) thanks for posting the link to your blog, I'm having a great time reading - and allll your awesome pics of the spaz kitty!! :D

  16. Oh! too cute.....great tute also. Must do me one of them if I don't win your FlossieBlossom original.

  17. Thanks for entering, everyone! We have a winner announced in a new post.

    Thanks for all the lovely compliments, too, I appreciate it!

  18. Love it! It’s one of my goals this year to better organize my sewing materials, so I’ll keep this project in the back of my mind.

    By: Christmas Gift Baskets


I LOVE comments, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one but I also understand if you don't. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day, I know! I try to respond by email to comments and questions. You can reach me at flossieblossoms at yahoo dot com