Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More loot in the mail, woohoo!!!

I love this, it's so much fun when the mail lady has to actually COME to the house to deliver stuff because it won't fit in the mailbox, that's always a good sign! lol
I got a great package yesterday from my friend Jenni, in CA. She sent me 7 pieces of wonderful fabric, all half-yard cuts, is that amazing or what? I love all of it, too. The fun animals in cars is so me and I'll use it for something for my next road trip, I'm sure. The 3 coordinating blues/greens are just scrumptious! Those are "Brother and Sister Design Studio", as is the black/white one and are such a nice addition to my stash! The wild circular one is Michael Miller called "Flashback" and will work with so many of my fabrics. The little dogs, "Rufus", is also Michael Miller and I just love it, I mean, little dogs in pink bows and ribbons? Who wouldn't love it? Thanks so much, Jenni! I just love getting fabric in the mail and it's really, really fun when it's all surprise fabric and especially when it's gorgeous fabric that I really like!

And then I got a box, too, from Scotland! My new friend Lynz was going to London and asked if my Mum, who was born in London, would want something from there and I asked Mum, who knew a pie and mash wasn't going to make the trip too well, and she asked for a good map of London so she could pour over it and point out places she had been, worked, lived, where she was born, etc. And you should see this map, it's the best map I've ever seen, so detailed, laminated, sturdy... it's a dandy. Thanks so much, Lynz, I know she is going to just love this! And all the other loot, it's so fun! I asked for a guard from the palace and she sent me a teeny, tiny version, he's adorable! And a Scotty dog iron-on, verra Scottish, thank you! :)
I can't wait to get into the sweetie, a Mrs. Tilly's Vanilla Tablet which looks so yummy. I MIGHT give the Mumster half of it, she's got a sweet tooth and could use some fattening up. I also got some shiny things, I love shiny things, I think I was a magpie in a previous life! I'm not really sure what they are, though, bits of belts, maybe? I like 'em, though, and I liked that she explained to me about the money involved "5 shillings, 11 pence" because they're marked 5/11. There are 2 gold ones and 2 silver ones, I'm sure I'll think of something fun to do with them!
The best thing, no- the 2nd best thing- a book of Scots slang, "Shut Yer Pus". Now I can maybe stop asking Lynz to explain all her expressions to me, like "ickle" (small) and "pants" (crap). lol That's just 2 of 'em, there's been a slew. Jim and I are having fun looking thru it and learning new words.

Finally- a HANDMADE by Lynz, star-shaped photo book which I just love, love, love. Looks normal when it's closed, but when you open it up....

You get a very cool star! There's a lot of work in this book, lots of gluin' and cuttin' and it's beautiful, I just love the papers she used. This book was a lot of work and I really appreciate it, sweetie. My photos don't do it justice at all, it's a little work of art.
Thanks to both of you lovely ladies for making the mail lady come down our long driveway to the house! Y'all sent me really neat stuff and I appreciate you both!


  1. How great is it to have such sweet friends? And I adore the animals in the cars fabric too!

    Lucky duck! *hoping Lynz doesn't tell me that I just swore at ya* lol

  2. Wow, that was quick!! I only posted on Thursday! Yeah, I wasn't sure about the shiny things either - buckles? Meh, they were old and interesting looking anyway! And, Dearheart, that's a Beefeater guard. From the Tower of London NOT the Palace. *sighs* Yanks....

  3. Let me check my book, Peggie, I'm not sure what you just said according to Lynz. lolol (OK, I think yer good, neither word is in the book!)

    Lynz- I knew that! I KNEW that!! But I DID ask for a guard from the palace, I DID! You just decided to get me one of the funny, ruffly Beefeater boy ones instead! It's OK, I love him, he's much cuter than the read deal in your photo on Flickr. *snork* I was telling Mum about the map (still no word on her MRI yet) and she's excited to see it. Worrying that she won't be able to refold it right and I had to assure her that is the NICEST, NEATEST map ever made, it'll practically fold itself up, like a Harry Potter map would! Thanks again, I really love it all, and the handmade tags- VERRA cool! You are quite the clever chick, arent' you?

  4. I have my moments. Not many but I do have them (to quote Princess Leia!). Ya, I know you asked for a guard but a Beefeater was already marked for you, I'm afraid! *g* They are THE MOST unflattering uniforms - poor guys.

    I've still got fingers crossed for MRI results here, I hope she likes the HP map (Go Draco! - sorry, my favourite HP character!) and the tablet is VERY sweet. You have been warned.

  5. What fun mail! I love that star book - very clever - Lynz! And the slang book could be helpful for eveyone over in the flickr group - LOL :)

  6. Flossie AND Lynz, the two of you are welcome to come hang out with me in Seattle anytime! What fun I would have watching/listening to the two of you slinging the slang back and forth! :-)

    (And what fun care packages you've shared too!)

  7. Don't you just love the critters in the cars? It is so, so 'road tripish' LOL
    I have more fabric to send you so be on the lookout.
    Can't think of a better friend to share my fabric with !!

  8. Thanks for the mention of our Tablet.

    The Mrs Tilly's Team



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