Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits!

I made my mom a new bag yesterday, she's going in for an MRI tomorrow and I wanted her to have something new to kind of distract her. And since she said Rabbits, she gets a present!
I've made myself a couple of these bags from some ideas I got off the internet and they work up really fast and easy. I had purchased this fabric with her in mind, she loves bright colors and cats and already has several Laurel Burch bags that I've made her, so she got this, this time. The cat fabric is by Nancy Wolfe for Robert Kaufmann.
Close up of the front- I love this button, reminds me of a cracked egg.
The inside-

The back-
There is one big exterior pocket, one small interior one and a good sized compartment inside. It's about 7" tall, 2" deep and 6" wide. I gave her a big round strap and a button and hair elastic closure. Jim delivered it to her this morning, left it outside her front door and she's very happy with it. Said she'll use it tomorrow and promised to NOT take any orders! :)

And Nosey Parker wondered if I was going to be needing the 4, 5 or 2 anytime soon!

It's so hard to be a kitten!


  1. Cute purse! I know the Mumster will love it. I love the quilting on it....reminds me of kittens that got all tangled up in yarn. Cute!
    I didn't remember to say Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits......but if I ever do, I'm for sure gonna let YOU know cause your surprises are better that DH's! LOL

    Hope Mum's MRI goes well. I'd be there to hold her hand but I think those MRI machines are a pretty tight squeeze anyway so I'll be there in spirit. :-)

  2. Rabbits? Huh? Now I feel like the stoopid one asking. *g*

    That is a hella cute bag! Fingers all crossed for the Mumster tomorrow. Bif zen hugs waftin your way from over here!! xox

  3. I mean BIG hugs. Particularly weird coz one of me best friends is Biff. Although she *does* give nice hugs!!

  4. Thanks, Jen and Lynz! I'll pass those good thoughts along to her tonight. Her MRI is at 9 AM, I'm glad it's early so she won't have long to fret about it. I hope she gets results soon and they damn well better be good ones or I'm going to freak.

    Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits- it's an English tradition that brings good luck. Those have to be the first words out of yer mouth on the first of the month so you'll have good luck, or in our family- get a present! Some families say "white rabbit" or just "rabbit" but we grew up with rabbits, rabbits, rabbits. Mum, being the little greedy-gut that she is, usually says it 3 times over, around 1 or 2 AM, lololol. Jim and I say it once, but he'll keep saying it until I wake up and mumble it if I'm sound-o.

    Poor Jen. I don't think she's ever said it, you know how those adopted kids aren't too swift, right? lol

  5. Happy and healthy thoughts for mum coming your way from rainy, rainy, rainy, did I remember to say rainy, Maine.

    Love, love, love the bag, the fabric and the quilting! If I paid you would you make one for me? *insert big beautiful, impossible to resit smile*

  6. How flattering, Peggie. Did you want that same fabric? I'd have to locate some, I used up what I had on this one. I can find it, though, on Ebay. Not sure about the lining or the binding, that might have to be different. But yes, I would make you one. I enjoy making these bags, I have 2 of my own and have plans to make myself more. They're just the perfect size for a quick trip to town or dinner out, etc. Let me know what you think!

    And Miss Big Beautiful Smile? You have a piece of spinach stuck in your tooth. :) No, over one- THERE, you got it!

  7. *giggle*
    me likes my spinach!

    Don't go to all that trouble, hunting down fabric. Do you have any faeries or dots? Any suggestions? Wait, maybe I should ask what this would cost first. LOL

    How's the blossom family? I hope Mr. Blossom had fun fishing yesterday, but I also hope he caught no cats!

  8. Peggie, if you want a good idea of what fabrics I have, go browse my Etsy shop, particularly the condiment wallets- I may have more of most of those fabrics. And a purse like this would run about $28 plus shipping.... just so you know. :)

  9. Oh, Peggie, I had another thought.... I could send you my pattern and you could make your own if you'd like. I have 2 different versions, one with a slanted outside pocket and one with the curved edge. I like them both but the curved one is slightly safer to use, less chance that anything could slip out. Just let me know! The directions are easy, too. Super-simple.

  10. You would do that?? How sweet are you?!?! I would love to try and make one, thank you.

  11. Yes, I would, Peggie! lol If you get a chance, email me your address so I can mail it to you, OK? I'll need to write out the instructions, so it'll be a few days, if that's OK.

  12. You are a sweetheart!!!!!
    Email is on it's way. Let me know how I can repay you.


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