Monday, June 15, 2009

Making lemonade out of a lemon I made....

Well, phooey! I abandoned the idea of a strip quilt when I just couldn't force myself to like the blocks I had made last week. I had a stacked coin quilt on my list of things to do so my first intent was to use these blocks and cut them in half so I'd have lots of coins. But I still didn't really like the layout and the fabrics together, so I pretty much started from scratch to make the coin stacks. I had cut up some of my favorite fabrics, though and I really hated to waste them, so I've been unpicking seams to salvage them. I knew I wanted it to be bright and I'm really starting to learn that I completely suck at randomness. I'm too orderly to be able to do it well, so instead of fighting it, I've decided to run with it. You should see my craft room, though! It really looks like a small bomb went off up there, I'll be hours straightening it all up and I now need another box for scraps. My original box overfloweth. I'm not THAT orderly!
I had a helper- MURPHY!!!!!

So this is where I stand as of today. I'll be using white sashing. I still want to make a quilt like the quilt-along with Old Red Barn Co, but that will have to wait until I find a place that has 12 fabrics that actually GO together, or I make a decision and order it all online. I'm tempted to use Tula Pink's Neptune fabrics for this quilt along, but can't decide what color to do. I should do it, though- her colorways would look great in our LR.


  1. Wow, what a lot of unpicking. But I see what you mean about wanting a little more orderliness with all that brightness. I love rainbows so of course LOVE your new layout. And offsetting each row was a great idea too.

    Wondering how wide your sashing is going to be, or if the rows are as long as they look... They look really long!

    I do hope you're back to *enjoying* the process now. It's going to look great.

  2. Oh, and one more thing: I'm beginning to think that actually PICKING the fabrics is the hardest part of quilting! I feel I made some "mistakes" on the quilt for my brother recently. Some things that look one way from 10inches away look totally different from 10feet.

    So why am I writing this? Because I've seen quilts made from all one line, but the fabrics were all SO complimentary and similar that -- while it looked beautiful up close -- from farther away, it was harder to differentiate any individual pieces. It all looked like one giant swath of printed fabric, not a carefully pieced quilt!

    I was looking through the flickr pool of the RedBarn quiltalong samples, trying to figure out why some fabric combinations ended up making fabulous quilts and why others were just more ho-hum.

    Sorry this got so long - it's just something I've been thinking about and hoping I learn more about!

  3. Oh, pet lamb, what a lot of work for nothing! Although, *I* would buy an ugly pot holder from you - do you post to Scotland? *grins* That stacked coin one will be luscious, though, I love the graduations.

  4. I think it is going to be fabulous!!! I love the bright rainbow colors! I am using vintage sheets for my quilt along quilt! It was hard for me to find 12 fabrics I liked together without just buying a whole fabric line. My current budget wouldn't allow me to do that though ;) I can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  5. Karin, my rows are long, 36 coins each, so that'll be 72". I could pull 2 coins out and make it 68", though, I added an extra row to the blue and green just to make it a little less predictable. Sashing- I haven't decided yet on the width of it, I need to sew my coins together first and eyeball it. Probably will have 5" coins, 3-4" sashing and wider at the sides and top/bottom. If you have any advice for me, I am more than open to suggestions!

    And I know what you mean about the fabric choices being hard - I just learned an expensive lesson. I'm trying to pay close attention at the quilt along to see what I like and WHY.

    I hope your brother is loving his quilt, double-sided, WOW! You must love him a LOT! lol

    Thank you, Lynz. I ship all over the place, be careful what you wish for! ;) (I got the biggest warm fuzzy from being called "pet lamb". I did! You're too cute!)

    Gail, I just saw your quilt top, it's so fabulous! I am totally jealous! I can't wait to see BOTH of our quilts finished.

  6. I got no advice! Other than rag quilts, I've only made 3 quilts and they've each been about 10 years apart! Each time, I just make it up as I go along. Which sounds similar to your "sew coins then eyeball" approach. : )

  7. Looks like you've been one busy lady....can't wait to see the final outcome....

  8. I LOVE what you've decided to do with your ORB blocks. It's stunning and I'm so glad your sewing joy is back.

  9. Was just going through your blog and saw the photo of the fabric when you bought it all stacked up - it looks like the stacked coins you are doing now - perhaps you wanted to do this rainbow all along... it looks beautiful. I liked the happy "chaotic" one too but if it bugged you you did the right thing to put order to it.

  10. ps - looks like your blog header too!! You must like it.

  11. Thanks, ladies. Yes, the joy is back. I HATE that feeling of "I've screwed up big time and wasted so much nice fabric." By doing the stacked coins, I salvaged a lot of it and I'll use the rest, or most of it anyway, for Pity Potholders and other things.

    I actually enjoy sitting on the sofa at night, watching TV and unpicking seams. I like to do what I call "idiot work", that brainless, don't have to concentrate at all, kind of work. I just wished I'd used a slightly bigger stitch length! lol

    You're so right, Karin. I am in a bit of rut, color/fabric-wise. I'm going to change that, though- I've ordered some Neptune fabrics and I think I'm going to make a WhirlyGiggle quilt next, for the LR. I ordered a layer cake and 2 charm packs. That ought to be enough, if I add a solid. I'm not going to be making BIG quilts anymore, I don't really need BIG. I am having fun making them, though, and don't want to stop. I never EVER thought I would become a quilter, but I guess maybe it's the natural progression from sewing crafts. I'll keep doing crafts, though, because I like that, too. And I like to sell things. I'm never selling a quilt though, too much work!


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