Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I've gotten a lot of sewing done lately.....

After making that cute pinnie for Kelly, I decided I had to have one as much like it as possible, using the leftover fabrics that I had and some others in my stash. This is what I came up with-
I love it! I like both sides equally well, too, since I'm a big fan of limes and margaritas. I covered the seam lines with twill tape and a cute key stitch that my oh, so clever Bernina knows how to do. And I made a portable pocket for that wild, paisley side- it hangs from the tie. Again, it's the Lucy Apron by The Brassy Apple. This is the 3rd one I've made from this pattern. I'm on a roll!

Also, I made a wine box cover for a friend of a friend. This is my own original pattern, I made it up several years ago and have been using two all this time, they hold up great. I used to machine quilt the fabric myself and put binding on the bottom, but I've found it faster to make 2 separate covers- one a quilted muslin to pad the box and another one out of decorative cotton fabric and just hem it. It's a lot nicer to look at this on the counter than an ugly old box of Franzia wine.

I'm still working on the quilt for the Old Red Barn Co. quilt along- I hope to get all my blocks laid out today and then start assembling them into a quilt top. To me, THIS is the fun part- laying them all out and shuffling them around. I'm going to do it on the driveway and take photos and eyeball it from one floor up, for better perspective. I'm excited! Just have to wait for last night's rain to dry up and the driveway to get swept and blown off. The sun's out, shouldn't be long now!


  1. I love those pinnies! Especially the first one. You really know how to put fabrics together. I'm looking forward to seeing your new quilt.

  2. GREAT wine box cover. Love the fabric you picked for it!

  3. Thanks so much, both of you.

    MaryAnn, don't be too excited, so far it's a bust.

    Karin, I love that fabric, too. Wish I had enough to make more box covers, for me! It works up cute for bottle carriers, too.


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